480 modules found

EnigmaCurry Transport

A DAW-like transport for play/stop/record


Entrian Acoustic Drums

Entrian Acoustic Drums

Real acoustic drums, sampled with multiple round-robin samples in multiple velocity layers.


Entrian Drummer

Entrian Acoustic Drums

Trigger sequencer for expressive drum grooves.


Erogenous Tones LEVIT8

Utility Module

AttenuatorHardware cloneMixerUtility

XTRTN Meganeura

Tempo multipliers - ideal for making Speedcore.

Clock modulator

XTRTN Mononeura

Tempo multipliers - nothing else.

Clock modulator

XTRTN Splitterburst

Tempo multiplier and gate generator, perfect for snare-rushes.

Clock modulatorUtility

Frank Buss Formula

Formula for CV and audio


Frank Buss Shaker

Shake your Rack


Frozen Wasteland CDC Seriously Slow LFO

Slow LFO taken to absurdity

Low-frequency oscillator

Frozen Wasteland Drunken Rampage

Probalistic Dual ramp generator. Inspired by Befaco Rampage.

Function generatorLogicSlew limiterEnvelope followerDualRandom

Frozen Wasteland Everlasting Glottal Stopper

Vocal Tract simulating VCO


Frozen Wasteland Filling Station

Multi-Output Sequencer


Frozen Wasteland Just A Phaser

Advanced Phaser


Frozen Wasteland Lissajous LFO

LFO based on interactions of 4 sine waves

Low-frequency oscillator

Frozen Wasteland Megalomanic Compression

Fun Multi-Band Compressor


Frozen Wasteland Mr. Blue Sky

16 band vocoder


Frozen Wasteland Portland Weather

16 tap rhythmic delay with per tap pitch shifting and filtering


Frozen Wasteland Portland Weather - Algorithmic Expander

Allows Portland Weather to create Euclidean rhythms


Frozen Wasteland Portland Weather - Grid Control Expander

Allows Portland Weather to be modulated in a grid fashion


Frozen Wasteland Portland Weather - Tap Breakoout Expander

Individual Send/Returns for each PW Tap


Frozen Wasteland QAR - Grid Control Expander

Allows some QAR expanders to be modulated in a grid fashion


Frozen Wasteland QAR - Irrational

Add Irrational Rhythms to QAR


Frozen Wasteland Quantussy Cell

Chainable semi-chatotic CV generator


Frozen Wasteland Roulette LFO

LFO Based on based on rolling curves

Low-frequency oscillator

Frozen Wasteland Seriously Slow EG

Envelope Generator for modulating CV over *very* long time periods

Envelope generator

Frozen Wasteland Seriously Slow LFO

LFO for modulating CV over *very* long time periods

Low-frequency oscillator

Frozen Wasteland String Theory

Karpus-Strong String Synthesis


fruitsofkarma CellularAuto

64x256 sequencer with configurable zoomed active zone. Uses polyphony to split active zone to separate sequencer rows


HetrickCV Bitshift

Bitshifting distortion and waveshaping effect


HetrickCV Contrast

A mild distortion that brightens up a signal.


HetrickCV Dust

Random impulse and noise generator ported from SuperCollider


HetrickCV Phasor Burst Generator

Generates a phasor repeatedly for a given number of times.

OscillatorClock generatorClock modulatorLow-frequency oscillatorPolyphonic

HetrickCV Phasor Stutter

Processes phasor signals and adds stutters/ratchets/repeats within substeps.

WaveshaperClock modulatorPolyphonic

HetrickCV Phasor Sub-Step Shaper

Processes individual steps of phasor signals in interesting ways for sequence modification or phase distortion synthesis.

WaveshaperDistortionClock modulatorPolyphonic

Holonic Systems Dumbwaiter

8 step sequencer and switch. One could see it as a A-155 / A-154 / A-152 merged into one module


Holonic Systems Holonic Source

Integrates with the Holon.ist iOS app and outputs CV control signals to VCV Rack


Holonic Systems Lazy Susan

Quad Quantiser with user editable scales


Holonic Systems Pantry

Dual CV/Gate Recorder/Looper


Impromptu BigButtonSeq

6-channel, 64-step trigger sequencer


Impromptu BigButtonSeq2

6-channel, 128-step sequencer


Impromptu Part

Polyphonic gate splitter


Inklen Cable Colour Key

Change the colour of the currently selected cable using your keyboard


Instruō [1]f

Fader Module (1f)

Hardware cloneAttenuatorMixerUtility

Instruō [2]f

Dual Fader Module (2f)

Hardware cloneDualUtility

VCV Library Instructions

  • Download and install VCV Rack.
  • Register for a VCV account and log in using Rack’s “Library” menu.
  • Add or purchase a module on the VCV Library.
  • Open the “Library” menu in Rack, click “Update all” (if updates are needed), and restart Rack once downloaded.
  • Right-click an empty rack space to launch Rack’s module browser to add a module to your patch.

All plugins on the VCV Library are available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The “major” version (i.e. MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION) must match between Rack and its plugins. For example, Rack 2.* can only load 2.* plugins.

Missing or incorrect information in this database, such as a missing tag? Inform the plugin author(s) using the contact information on their plugin/module page.

Developers: see Adding your plugin to the VCV Library.


Purchasing plugins with the “VCV” brand supports the VCV Rack project. See VCV’s Mission Statement to learn how VCV Rack development is funded.

Prices are in US Dollars.

VCV is only responsible for VCV-branded plugins and does not completely review all third-party plugins. VCV does not provide technical support for third-party plugins. Installing plugins from unknown sources may compromise your computer and personal information.

By purchasing a plugin on the VCV Library, you agree to the End User License Agreement and Refund Policy.

Contact VCV Support for customer support and questions about the VCV Library.