Sanguine Mutants Vimina

Sanguine Mutants Vimina

Polyphonic dual clock divider, multiplier and swinger based on the Twigs firmware for Mutable Instruments' Branches.

Clock modulatorDualHardware clonePolyphonicUtility

Sickozell drummer

Sickozell drummer

Accent and choke utility for drum modules lacking these features


Sonus Dept. Twoff

Sonus Dept. Twoff

CV Offset


Sparkette's Stuff Dual Integrator

Sparkette's Stuff Dual Integrator

Modulates up to two values over time at variable speed. DMA compatible; try stacking multiple horizontally.

DualDynamicsFunction generator

Submarine AG-202

Submarine AG-202

AG-202 4-input Polyphonic AND Gates


Submarine LA-216

Submarine LA-216

LA-216 Logic Analyser


Submarine OG-202

Submarine OG-202

OG-202 4-Channel Polyphonic OR Gates


Submarine VM-102

Submarine VM-102

VM-102 2-Channel VU-Meter

UtilityVisualDualPolyphonicHardware clone

Submarine VM-202

Submarine VM-202

VM-202 2-Channel Vintage VU-Meter

UtilityVisualDualPolyphonicHardware clone

Submarine XF-102

Submarine XF-102

XF-102 Dual Mono Cross Fader


Submarine XF-202

Submarine XF-202

XF-202 Dual Stereo Cross Fader


Submarine XG-202

Submarine XG-202

XG-202 4-Input Polyphonic XOR Gates


Vult Knobs (Free)

Vult Knobs (Free)

Modulation Mixer and Macro Control


wiqid dual attenuverter

wiqid dual attenuverter

2hp polyphonic dual attenuverter with offset

AttenuatorDualPolyphonicVoltage-controlled amplifier

VCV Library Instructions

  • Download and install VCV Rack.
  • Register for a VCV account and log in using Rack’s “Library” menu.
  • Add or purchase a module on the VCV Library.
  • Open the “Library” menu in Rack, click “Update all” (if updates are needed), and restart Rack once downloaded.
  • Right-click an empty rack space to launch Rack’s module browser to add a module to your patch.

All plugins on the VCV Library are available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The “major” version (i.e. MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION) must match between Rack and its plugins. For example, Rack 2.* can only load 2.* plugins.

Missing or incorrect information in this database, such as a missing tag? Inform the plugin author(s) using the contact information on their plugin/module page.

Developers: see Adding your plugin to the VCV Library.


Purchasing plugins with the “VCV” brand supports the VCV Rack project. See VCV’s Mission Statement to learn how VCV Rack development is funded.

Prices are in US Dollars.

By purchasing a plugin on the VCV Library, you agree to VCV’s End User License Agreement and Refund Policy.

Contact VCV Support for customer support and questions about the VCV Library.