11 modules in plugin

artificialcolors Pick6

artificialcolors Pick6

8-step finger-pickin' trigger sequencer (1:6 patterned switch), with optional 'Smart Riff' functionality.


artificialcolors Ov3rCross

artificialcolors Ov3rCross

3-Band CV and Trigger Crossover.


artificialcolors Pick6p

artificialcolors Pick6p

Custom pattern programmer for Pick6 (as a right-side expander).


artificialcolors Chord4Roy

artificialcolors Chord4Roy

Guitar-style polyphonic chord CV generator.


artificialcolors Rhythm1101

artificialcolors Rhythm1101

16-step drum-oriented trigger sequencer with preset grooves.


artificialcolors Merc8or

artificialcolors Merc8or

Quickly remap, scale, and/or invert one range of polyphonic CV values to another.


artificialcolors Pul5es

artificialcolors Pul5es

Outputs a trigger pulse upon receiving a specified number of incoming pulses.


artificialcolors CFor2N2ForC

artificialcolors CFor2N2ForC

Output a configurable CV and/or trigger across a 1V/Oct semitone CV input.


artificialcolors MOREc8or

artificialcolors MOREc8or

Expands Merc8or's abilities with creative tools and CV control of output range.


artificialcolors CRBVi

artificialcolors CRBVi

Two-Dimensional performance instrument with on-screen note guides, selectable octave range, optional note snapping, and Y-axis curve shapes. Can also function as a playable VCA. Virtual re-interpretation of Wygonium C|RB hardware ribbon controller.


artificialcolors C|RB Vi XL

artificialcolors C|RB Vi XL

eXtra-Large Two-Dimensional performance instrument with on-screen note guides, selectable octave range, optional note snapping, Y-axis curve shapes, with modulation input. Can also function as a playable VCA.



acModules website

User manual

Author: g.wygonik

Author email:

Source code


License: GPL-3.0-or-later

Last updated:


Popularity: 5,294

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VCV Library Instructions

  • Download and install VCV Rack.
  • Register for a VCV account and log in using Rack’s “Library” menu.
  • Add or purchase a module on the VCV Library.
  • Open the “Library” menu in Rack, click “Update all” (if updates are needed), and restart Rack once downloaded.
  • Right-click an empty rack space to launch Rack’s module browser to add a module to your patch.

All plugins on the VCV Library are available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The “major” version (i.e. MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION) must match between Rack and its plugins. For example, Rack 2.* can only load 2.* plugins.

Missing or incorrect information in this database, such as a missing tag? Inform the plugin author(s) using the contact information on their plugin/module page.

Developers: see Adding your plugin to the VCV Library.


Purchasing plugins with the “VCV” brand supports the VCV Rack project. See VCV’s Mission Statement to learn how VCV Rack development is funded.

Prices are in US Dollars.

By purchasing a plugin on the VCV Library, you agree to VCV’s End User License Agreement and Refund Policy.

Contact VCV Support for customer support and questions about the VCV Library.