Ouroboros Industries Bernoulli

Ouroboros Industries Bernoulli

A bank of 8 bernoulli gates

RandomLogicSwitchClock modulator

Venom Poly Fade

Venom Poly Fade

Cross fade between channels of a polyphonic signal

Envelope generatorLow-frequency oscillatorPolyphonicSequencerSwitch

artificialcolors Rhythm1101

artificialcolors Rhythm1101

16-step drum-oriented trigger sequencer with preset grooves.


artificialcolors Pick6

artificialcolors Pick6

8-step finger-pickin' trigger sequencer (1:6 patterned switch), with optional 'Smart Riff' functionality.


Digital Atavism UT-OX

Digital Atavism UT-OX

Voltage-Controlled Switch Output Expander


Digital Atavism UT-P

Digital Atavism UT-P

Voltage-Controlled Switch


4ms Switch14

4ms Switch14

Switch 1:4


4ms Switch41

4ms Switch41

Switch 4:1


docB CVS

docB CVS

CV controlled polyphonic switch, sequencer, crossfader, scanner


Sanguine Modules Brainz

Sanguine Modules Brainz

A master control center intended to make synchronizing audio and video files from different recorders easier.


Sanguine Modules Oraculus

Sanguine Modules Oraculus

n to 1 switch/sequencer that takes a polyphonic cable input.


Sanguine Modules Gegenees

Sanguine Modules Gegenees

A 1 to 8 switch/sequencer that can avoid consecutive random repeated values; can be one shot, and can be reset to either no step value or the first step.


Sanguine Modules Hydra

Sanguine Modules Hydra

An 8 to 1 switch/sequencer that can avoid consecutive random repeated values; can be one shot, and can be reset to either no step value or the first step.


Venom Bypass

Venom Bypass

Bypass one or more modules at the end of patched cables


Sickozell multiRouter

Sickozell multiRouter

Stereo 1>8 router


Sickozell multiSwitcher

Sickozell multiSwitcher

Stereo 8>1 switch


Sparkette's Stuff Quadrants

Sparkette's Stuff Quadrants

Splits an XY coordinate plane into four segments, switching inputs based on the active segment. Useful with RGB Matrix and RAM-40964.

Clock modulatorSwitch

Sickozell switcher8

Sickozell switcher8

Eight 2>1 switch, 1>2 router, 2 signal swapper, mute, flip flop, toggle gate


Questionable Modules Smute

Questionable Modules Smute

Mute buttons synced to the clock


Sickozell cvSwitcher

Sickozell cvSwitcher

2>1 voltage controlled switch


Sickozell cvRouter

Sickozell cvRouter

1>2 voltage controlled switch


dawn bree seesaw

dawn bree seesaw

Switch between two inputs after a variable amount of clock pulses.


NullPath Entangle

NullPath Entangle

9-9 random router


NullPath Collapse

NullPath Collapse

A 9-1 not-so-sequential switch


NullPath Expand

NullPath Expand

A 1-9 not-so-sequential switch


DanT PolySplice

DanT PolySplice

[7hp] Polyphonic switch with up to 5 seconds slew.


Nonlinear Circuits Router

Nonlinear Circuits Router

Simple switch. If the CV input is below the knob voltage setting, the output is active. Panel by jk.

SwitchMixerQuadHardware clone

Ohmer Modules Polarity Switch

Ohmer Modules Polarity Switch

Signal is routed to "P" if its voltage is positive. Otherwise, it's routed to "N" (but as positive equivalent / absolute value)


Venom Bernoulli Switch

Venom Bernoulli Switch

Stochastically route two inputs to two outputs, with built in scaling and offset capabilities


HetrickCV Gate Junction Expanded

HetrickCV Gate Junction Expanded

Eight channel gate processor, expanded with more jacks and polyphony.


Questionable Modules Nandomizer

Questionable Modules Nandomizer

Randomly switches inputs


Questionable Modules Discombobulator

Questionable Modules Discombobulator

Randomly switches inputs and outputs


MindMeld RouteMaster 1->5 stereo switch

MindMeld RouteMaster 1->5 stereo switch

RouteMaster 1->5 stereo switch (for use with PatchMaster)


MindMeld RouteMaster 1->5 switch

MindMeld RouteMaster 1->5 switch

RouteMaster 1->5 switch (for use with PatchMaster)


MindMeld RouteMaster 5->1 stereo switch

MindMeld RouteMaster 5->1 stereo switch

RouteMaster 5->1 stereo switch (for use with PatchMaster)


MindMeld RouteMaster 5->1 switch

MindMeld RouteMaster 5->1 switch

RouteMaster 5->1 switch (for use with PatchMaster)


Plurm simplerouter

Plurm simplerouter

a rpre/post-processing switch


EnigmaCurry Latch

EnigmaCurry Latch

Latches with discrete triggers and resets


Sickozell switcherSt

Sickozell switcherSt

Stereo 2>1 switch, 1>2 router, 2 signal swapper, mute, flip flop, toggle gate


Sickozell switcher

Sickozell switcher

2>1 switch, 1>2 router, 2 signal swapper, mute, flip flop, toggle gate


Sapphire Moots

Sapphire Moots

Plugs/unplugs polyphonic cables.


Count Modula Random Access Switch 8-1

Count Modula Random Access Switch 8-1

Random access switch 8 inputs to 1 output


Count Modula Random Access Switch 1-8

Count Modula Random Access Switch 1-8

Random access switch 1 input to 8 output


cvly brst

cvly brst

Burst generator with up to 8 outputs

PolyphonicSample and holdSequencerSwitch

GoodSheperd Seqtrol

GoodSheperd Seqtrol


Clock modulatorSample and holdSwitchUtility

GoodSheperd Switch1

GoodSheperd Switch1



RPJ DrillingHoles

RPJ DrillingHoles



Befaco Muxlicer

Befaco Muxlicer

Muxlicer is a VC adressable sequential switch and sequencer

Clock generatorHardware clonePolyphonicSequencerSwitch

VCV Library Instructions

  • Download and install VCV Rack.
  • Register for a VCV account and log in using Rack’s “Library” menu.
  • Add or purchase a module on the VCV Library.
  • Open the “Library” menu in Rack, click “Update all” (if updates are needed), and restart Rack once downloaded.
  • Right-click an empty rack space to launch Rack’s module browser to add a module to your patch.

All plugins on the VCV Library are available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The “major” version (i.e. MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION) must match between Rack and its plugins. For example, Rack 2.* can only load 2.* plugins.

Missing or incorrect information in this database, such as a missing tag? Inform the plugin author(s) using the contact information on their plugin/module page.

Developers: see Adding your plugin to the VCV Library.


Purchasing plugins with the “VCV” brand supports the VCV Rack project. See VCV’s Mission Statement to learn how VCV Rack development is funded.

Prices are in US Dollars.

By purchasing a plugin on the VCV Library, you agree to VCV’s End User License Agreement and Refund Policy.

Contact VCV Support for customer support and questions about the VCV Library.