18 modules in plugin

KautenjaDSP Blocks

KautenjaDSP Blocks

Inspired by Mutable Instruments Edges.

NoiseOscillatorPolyphonicSynth voice

KautenjaDSP Mini Boss

KautenjaDSP Mini Boss

An emulation of the Yamaha YM2612 FM synthesis chip from the Sega Mega Drive and Sega Genesis.

NoiseOscillatorPolyphonicSynth voice

KautenjaDSP Name Corp Octal Wave Generator

KautenjaDSP Name Corp Octal Wave Generator

An emulation of the Namco 163 wavetable chip from Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) cartridges.


KautenjaDSP Boss Fight

KautenjaDSP Boss Fight

An emulation of the Yamaha YM2612 FM synthesis chip from the Sega Mega Drive and Sega Genesis.

NoiseOscillatorPolyphonicSynth voice

KautenjaDSP Boss Fight Envelope Generator (Blank)

KautenjaDSP Boss Fight Envelope Generator (Blank)

A blank panel with an illustration of the envelope generator from Boss Fight.


KautenjaDSP Infinite Stairs

KautenjaDSP Infinite Stairs

An emulation of the Ricoh 2A03 chip from the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).


KautenjaDSP Pulses

KautenjaDSP Pulses

An emulation of the Sunsoft FME-7 chip from Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) cartridges.


KautenjaDSP Pallet Town Waves System

KautenjaDSP Pallet Town Waves System

An emulation of the Nintendo Gameboy Sound System chip.


KautenjaDSP Pot Keys

KautenjaDSP Pot Keys

An emulation of the Atari POKEY chip.


KautenjaDSP Super ADSR

KautenjaDSP Super ADSR

An emulation of the ADSR envelope generator from the S-SMP chip on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES).

DualEnvelope generatorPolyphonic

KautenjaDSP Super Echo

KautenjaDSP Super Echo

An emulation of the echo effect from the S-SMP chip on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES).


KautenjaDSP Super VCA

KautenjaDSP Super VCA

An emulation of the Gaussian interpolation filter effect from the S-SMP chip on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES).

DualPolyphonicVoltage-controlled amplifier

KautenjaDSP S-SMP Blank

KautenjaDSP S-SMP Blank

A blank panel with an illustration of the Sony S-SMP chip on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES).


KautenjaDSP Mega Tone

KautenjaDSP Mega Tone

An emulation of the Texas Instruments SN76489 chip from the Sega Master System, Sega Mega Drive, and Sega Genesis.


KautenjaDSP Step Saw

KautenjaDSP Step Saw

An emulation of the Konami VRC6 chip from Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) cartridges.



Author: Christian Kauten

Author email:

Source code


License: GPL-3.0-or-later

Last updated:


Popularity: 27,545

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  • Open the “Library” menu in Rack, click “Update all” (if updates are needed), and restart Rack once downloaded.
  • Right-click an empty rack space to launch Rack’s module browser to add a module to your patch.

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