Moffenzeef Muskrat

Moffenzeef Muskrat

Lofi wavetable drum with additional algorithms

DrumNoiseHardware clone

Moffenzeef Mongrel

Moffenzeef Mongrel

Ring mod drum

DrumNoiseHardware clone

Moffenzeef Kriket

Moffenzeef Kriket

Quad blip and beep generator

DrumNoiseOscillatorHardware clone

Moffenzeef GMO

Moffenzeef GMO

Lofi ROMPLER with only one bank of metal clangs

DrumNoiseOscillatorHardware clone

Moffenzeef Dial Up

Moffenzeef Dial Up

Dial up modem drum module

DrumNoiseHardware clone

Moffenzeef Bobcat

Moffenzeef Bobcat

Dual noise drum

DrumNoiseHardware clone

Moffenzeef Bad Idea #9

Moffenzeef Bad Idea #9

Power starved glitch oscillator

OscillatorNoiseDrumHardware clone

WavsynModular Smitty

WavsynModular Smitty

VCO with dual sine-like outputs plus a shape control for adding harmonics and aliasing


Bastl Crust

Bastl Crust

Bastl Crust is a hard-hitting drum voice that goes way beyond drum territory.

DrumHardware cloneOscillatorNoise

Vector Modular baseOsc

Vector Modular baseOsc

Versatile oscillator with analog waveforms, FM, PWM, wavetable synthesis, regular and digital noise, quantization, and bit reduction.


24conditions Mist

24conditions Mist

bits and bytes


Nonlinear Circuits Splish

Nonlinear Circuits Splish

Three input variation of Let's Splosh.

MixerNoiseUtilityRandomHardware cloneQuad

4ms Noise

4ms Noise



Sanguine Mutants Explorator

Sanguine Mutants Explorator

Polyphonic multiple, mixer, noise source, sample and hold, inverter, rectifier and logic unit, based on Mutable Instruments' Links and Kinks

Hardware cloneLogicMixerMultipleNoisePolyphonicSample and holdUtilityWaveshaper

Sanguine Modules Dungeon

Sanguine Modules Dungeon

A sample and hold, track and hold, hold and track and white noise source.

NoiseSample and holdRandom

Sanguine Modules Bukavac

Sanguine Modules Bukavac

A noise generator with a plethora of colors... and Perlin


Sapphire Pop

Sapphire Pop

A trigger generator based on the statistics of radioactive decay.


Sanguine Mutants Contextus

Sanguine Mutants Contextus

Multipurpose, polyphonic macro oscillator based on the Renaissance alternative firmware for Mutable Instruments' Braids

DigitalHardware cloneNoiseOscillatorPolyphonicSynth voiceWaveshaper

Sanguine Mutants Nodi

Sanguine Mutants Nodi

Adaptable, polyphonic macro oscillator based on Mutable Instruments' Braids

DigitalHardware cloneNoiseOscillatorPolyphonicSynth voiceWaveshaper

Sanguine Mutants Funes

Sanguine Mutants Funes

Powerful, polyphonic macro oscillator based on Mutable Instruments' Plaits 1.2

DigitalDrumHardware cloneNoiseOscillatorPolyphonicSynth voice

Sparkette's Stuff Busybox

Sparkette's Stuff Busybox

Multipurpose module containing four LFO's, two ADSR+VCA envelopes, and a noise generator.

Envelope generatorLow-frequency oscillatorNoise

Sapphire Hiss

Sapphire Hiss

Generates directionally unbiased N-dimensional vector noise.


Sickozell holder8

Sickozell holder8

8 Sample & Hold or Track & Hold with noise generator, probability and range

Sample and holdNoiseQuadPolyphonic

Sickozell holder Compact

Sickozell holder Compact

Sample & Hold or Track & Hold with noise generator, probability and range in a compact form factor

Sample and holdNoisePolyphonic

Sickozell holder

Sickozell holder

Sample & Hold or Track & Hold with noise generator, probability and range

Sample and holdNoisePolyphonic

Studio Six Plus One Bose

Studio Six Plus One Bose

Multi output random voltage generator, sample and hold with no input, steady or analog style drooping outputs

PolyphonicSample and holdNoiseRandom

TyrannosaurusRu LogisticScratch

TyrannosaurusRu LogisticScratch

Scratching chaotic oscillator based on

OscillatorNoisePhysical modeling

ÄSK rnsh

ÄSK rnsh

8 channel noise generator with sample and hold, with a global spread attenuator

RandomNoiseSample and holdSample and holdSample and hold

alef's bits noize

alef's bits noize

random noise generator with duration parameter and 0-10V cv input


Impromptu Variations

Impromptu Variations

Sample and hold a CV with addition of a random noise value

Sample and holdRandomNoisePolyphonic

Befaco Noise Plethora

Befaco Noise Plethora

Noise Plethora is a multitimbral noise monster

DualFilterHardware cloneNoise

AlliewayAudio Koan

AlliewayAudio Koan

AlliewayAudio Series I $10

Transforms audio or CVs from subtle warming to annihilation. Telecommunications signal compander (Variable MU-law Encoder/Decoder) with built-in noise, analog clipping, mixer, and thru-zero VCA. Try plugging your favorite filter or effect between encoder and decoder!

CompressorDistortionDigitalEffectLimiterMixerNoiseRing modulatorUtilityVoltage-controlled amplifierWaveshaper

HetrickCV Gingerbread Chaos

HetrickCV Gingerbread Chaos

Self-modulating audio and modulation chaos generator.


HetrickCV Feedback Sine Chaos

HetrickCV Feedback Sine Chaos

A chaotic oscillator and LFO created through phase distortion and feedback.

NoiseOscillatorLow-frequency oscillatorRandom

HetrickCV Clocked Noise

HetrickCV Clocked Noise

Multimode audio and modulation noise generator.


HetrickCV Chaotic Attractors

HetrickCV Chaotic Attractors

Multimode audio and modulation chaos generator.


HetrickCV Binary Noise

HetrickCV Binary Noise

Generates a random gate or square wave signal.


HetrickCV 3-Op Chaos

HetrickCV 3-Op Chaos

Multimode audio and modulation chaos generator.


HetrickCV 2-Op Chaos

HetrickCV 2-Op Chaos

Multimode audio and modulation chaos generator.


HetrickCV 1-Op Chaos

HetrickCV 1-Op Chaos

Multimode audio and modulation chaos generator.




Sample and hold quantizer. Simple.

QuantizerPolyphonicSample and holdNoise

Mojo Modules Sheep

Mojo Modules Sheep

A sheepy random voltage generator


KautenjaDSP Mini Boss

KautenjaDSP Mini Boss

An emulation of the Yamaha YM2612 FM synthesis chip from the Sega Mega Drive and Sega Genesis.

NoiseOscillatorPolyphonicSynth voice

VCV Library Instructions

  • Download and install VCV Rack.
  • Register for a VCV account and log in using Rack’s “Library” menu.
  • Add or purchase a module on the VCV Library.
  • Open the “Library” menu in Rack, click “Update all” (if updates are needed), and restart Rack once downloaded.
  • Right-click an empty rack space to launch Rack’s module browser to add a module to your patch.

All plugins on the VCV Library are available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The “major” version (i.e. MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION) must match between Rack and its plugins. For example, Rack 2.* can only load 2.* plugins.

Missing or incorrect information in this database, such as a missing tag? Inform the plugin author(s) using the contact information on their plugin/module page.

Developers: see Adding your plugin to the VCV Library.


Purchasing plugins with the “VCV” brand supports the VCV Rack project. See VCV’s Mission Statement to learn how VCV Rack development is funded.

Prices are in US Dollars.

By purchasing a plugin on the VCV Library, you agree to VCV’s End User License Agreement and Refund Policy.

Contact VCV Support for customer support and questions about the VCV Library.