HoyerHoppes Melody Transformer

HoyerHoppes Melody Transformer

Quantizer with user-defined master scale and sub-scales. Pre-quantization processing utilities include gain, offset, and a 16-step polyphonic looper


Vector Modular baseOsc

Vector Modular baseOsc

Versatile oscillator with analog waveforms, FM, PWM, wavetable synthesis, regular and digital noise, quantization, and bit reduction.


Sanguine Mutants Marmora

Sanguine Mutants Marmora

Random sampler based on Mutable Instruments' Marbles

Clock generatorClock modulatorDigitalHardware cloneQuantizerRandomSequencer

Null Set Roman Quantizer

Null Set Roman Quantizer

Quantizer based on Roman numeral chord notation


Null Set Weighted Quantizer

Null Set Weighted Quantizer

Quantizer with note weights


PitchGrid Microtonal V/OCT Mapper

PitchGrid Microtonal V/OCT Mapper

Microtonally map V/OCT to MV/OCT


Chinenual Harp

Chinenual Harp

A reimagining of Iasos's GoldenHarp for VCV. A quantizer that generates gates as notes change.


Mathematics and Music Lab (MML) Power Quantizer (POW QNT)

Mathematics and Music Lab (MML) Power Quantizer (POW QNT)

Quantizer to produce infinite families of musical scales at the turn of a knob, tuned to a special power function.




An array of quantizable values into a polyphonic signal. Use expanders to add, rotate, insert, remove, or get multiple sub-arrays.


Sickozell sickoQuant4

Sickozell sickoQuant4

Four channels polyphonic quantizer with scales and presets (sQuant4)


Sickozell sickoQuant

Sickozell sickoQuant

Polyphonic quantizer with scales and presets (sQuant)


CV funk Strings

CV funk Strings

Generates guitar chords from a button interface or CV. Implements bending, whammy bar and capo.


Mathematics and Music Lab (MML) Square Root Quantizer (SQT QNT)

Mathematics and Music Lab (MML) Square Root Quantizer (SQT QNT)

Quantizer to produce a musical scale tuned to the square roots of whole numbers.


Mathematics and Music Lab (MML) Logarithmic Quantizer (LOG QNT)

Mathematics and Music Lab (MML) Logarithmic Quantizer (LOG QNT)

Quantizer to produce the non-Pythagorean musical scale of The Apples in Stereo, tuned to the logarithms of whole numbers.


Venom NORSIQ Chord To Scale

Venom NORSIQ Chord To Scale

Convert a polyphonic chord into CV to generate a scale for the Non-Octave_Repeating Scale Intervallic Quantizer


Venom Non-Octave-Repeating Scale Intervallic Quantizer

Venom Non-Octave-Repeating Scale Intervallic Quantizer

Quantizer for any scale defined by up to 13 intervals between notes


Biset Tracker Quant

Biset Tracker Quant

Tracker quantizer / tuner


PurrSoftware ModeScaleQuant

PurrSoftware ModeScaleQuant

Mode Scale Quantizer


CuteFox Modules Intervallic Pair Quantizer

CuteFox Modules Intervallic Pair Quantizer

Quantizer based on a pair of intervals from 0 to 11 (semitones)


The All Electric Smart Grid LameJuis

The All Electric Smart Grid LameJuis

Logic Matrix and Just Intonation Sequencer.


Chinenual Melody Inverter

Chinenual Melody Inverter

Produce inverted melodies


alef's bits slipspander

alef's bits slipspander

expander for slips to enter custom scale


SIM Coerce6

SIM Coerce6

Quantize incoming polyphonic signals to voltages of another polyphonic signal.


SIM Coerce

SIM Coerce

Quantize an incoming polyphonic signal to voltages of another polyphonic signal.


alef's bits slips

alef's bits slips

generate random melodies, with optional random offsets each cycle, quantized to a scale


Chinenual Tintinnabulator

Chinenual Tintinnabulator

Harmonizes via Arvo Pärt style Tintinnabulation


fruitsofkarma Scale Merger

fruitsofkarma Scale Merger

Transit from one scale or mode to another


Venom HQ - Harmonic Quantizer

Venom HQ - Harmonic Quantizer

Computes a selected harmonic or subharmonic partial relative to a root V/Oct, or quantizes input V/Oct to the nearest partial relative to the root


Noise86 TransQuant

Noise86 TransQuant

Quantiser with triggers to transpose by a CV controleable interval

Clock modulatorDigitalQuantizer

Plurm chordscalequantizer

Plurm chordscalequantizer

quantizes notes to a diatonic scale based on a chord


Coffee Quant

Coffee Quant

A small quantizer.


EucQuant EdoQuant

EucQuant EdoQuant

n-EDO quantizer for generating xenharmonic melodies with CV


H4N4 Xen Quantizer

H4N4 Xen Quantizer

Polyphonic CV-controllable Scala Quantizer


Path Set QuantumCompass

Path Set QuantumCompass

Path Set: Infinity $15

Both/Neither Sequencer/Quantizer. Create a melodic sequence by selecting notes and letting QuantumCompass guide you.


Daniel Davies Quantify

Daniel Davies Quantify

3x Quantizer with attenuverted inputs + nudge and transpose controls


DanT Nonaquant

DanT Nonaquant

[40hp] Quantizer across 9 octaves


NYSTHI Modulo Magic

NYSTHI Modulo Magic

CGS Modulo Magic


unless games avoider

unless games avoider

correct v/oct signals to avoid certain intervals in relation to a chord, inspired by the 'avoid note' concept from music theory


Impromptu AdaptiveQuantizer

Impromptu AdaptiveQuantizer

Adaptive reference based quantizer


Aaron Static ScaleCV

Aaron Static ScaleCV

Generates a scale


maglav modular Arp Player

maglav modular Arp Player

Chord Suite $5

Chain-able arpeggiator/quantizer expander for Chord Player

ArpeggiatorQuantizerSample and holdExpander

maglav modular Chord Player

maglav modular Chord Player

Chord Suite $5

5-voice chord/pitch cv generator with independent bass output




Sample and hold quantizer. Simple.

QuantizerPolyphonicSample and holdNoise

cvly spc

cvly spc

Spreads the notes for incoming poly input, with a settable minimum interval distance


cvly bss

cvly bss

Generates a bass note for the incoming poly input, using one of three modes

PolyphonicQuantizerSample and holdUtility

cvly crcl

cvly crcl

Quantizer/sequencer based on the circle of fifths

QuantizerPolyphonicSample and holdSequencer

cvly ntrvlc

cvly ntrvlc

4x8 sequencer with incorporated quantizer


VCV Library Instructions

  • Download and install VCV Rack.
  • Register for a VCV account and log in using Rack’s “Library” menu.
  • Add or purchase a module on the VCV Library.
  • Open the “Library” menu in Rack, click “Update all” (if updates are needed), and restart Rack once downloaded.
  • Right-click an empty rack space to launch Rack’s module browser to add a module to your patch.

All plugins on the VCV Library are available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The “major” version (i.e. MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION) must match between Rack and its plugins. For example, Rack 2.* can only load 2.* plugins.

Missing or incorrect information in this database, such as a missing tag? Inform the plugin author(s) using the contact information on their plugin/module page.

Developers: see Adding your plugin to the VCV Library.


Purchasing plugins with the “VCV” brand supports the VCV Rack project. See VCV’s Mission Statement to learn how VCV Rack development is funded.

Prices are in US Dollars.

By purchasing a plugin on the VCV Library, you agree to VCV’s End User License Agreement and Refund Policy.

Contact VCV Support for customer support and questions about the VCV Library.