QuantalAudio Daisy Mix Blank Separator | 2HP

QuantalAudio Daisy Mix Blank Separator | 2HP

Modular mixer blank separator - proximity daisy chainable


LyraeModules Zeta

LyraeModules Zeta

Fancy Blank


24conditions Emptiness4

24conditions Emptiness4

the most astounding sound is silence


24conditions Emptiness10

24conditions Emptiness10

the most astounding sound is silence


Tyche Blank

Tyche Blank

A blank separator from Tyche collection


Sanguine Modules Sanguine Monsters Blank

Sanguine Modules Sanguine Monsters Blank

Put a vampire and the Monsters logo on your rack!


Venom Blocker

Venom Blocker

Blocks expander chains


Sparkette's Stuff Trixie

Sparkette's Stuff Trixie

Trixie joins Ellie as a blank panel


Sanguine Mutants Sanguine Mutants Blank

Sanguine Mutants Sanguine Mutants Blank

Rack sleekerizer: add the Mutants goblin and a glowing Mutants logo to your rack!


Venom Venom Blank

Venom Venom Blank

A 3hp blank with standard Venom themes


pachde Info

pachde Info

Resizable text notes with themes, colors, and animation


pachde Null

pachde Null

A discreet resizable blank panel with themes, colors, and animation


Seaside Modular Blank_20HP

Seaside Modular Blank_20HP

Seaside Modular Blank Panel


Stochastic Telegraph Fermata

Stochastic Telegraph Fermata

Write much longer text notes, and various sizes of labels. Fermata is resizable, scrolls, has font and color choices, and more.


SIM Blank

SIM Blank



MindMeld PatchMaster Vertical Separator

MindMeld PatchMaster Vertical Separator

Blank vertical separator for PatchMaster


Sparkette's Stuff Ellie

Sparkette's Stuff Ellie

Ellie is hiding on your rack as a blank panel!


alef's bits blank 6hp

alef's bits blank 6hp

a simple blank


Bidoo vOId

Bidoo vOId

The ultimate mastering tool for Rack. Once plugged in your Rack, you gonna sound FAAAAT. Picture is taken from a very good LP TERA MELOS.


Daniel Davies Blank5

Daniel Davies Blank5

5HP wide blank panel


Daniel Davies Blank3

Daniel Davies Blank3

3HP wide blank panel


XTRTN Heraldry

XTRTN Heraldry

3600BPM Cult. Esoteric meme heraldry.


cvly whl

cvly whl

3hp blank panel with cvly whale logo


computerscare Custom Blank Expander

computerscare Custom Blank Expander

Allows CV Control of Computerscare Custom Blank GIF Animation


KautenjaDSP S-SMP Blank

KautenjaDSP S-SMP Blank

A blank panel with an illustration of the Sony S-SMP chip on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES).


KautenjaDSP Boss Fight Envelope Generator (Blank)

KautenjaDSP Boss Fight Envelope Generator (Blank)

A blank panel with an illustration of the envelope generator from Boss Fight.


Sha#Bang! Modules Absorption Spectrum

Sha#Bang! Modules Absorption Spectrum

Hydrogen absorption spectrum


Count Modula Light Strip

Count Modula Light Strip

Illuminated Blanking Panel


Oxidlab Entferner Plate L

Oxidlab Entferner Plate L

Plate (left side)


Submarine WM-102

Submarine WM-102

WM-102 Wire Manager Billboard


Count Modula Blank Panel - 20HP

Count Modula Blank Panel - 20HP

20HP blank panel


Count Modula Blank Panel - 24HP

Count Modula Blank Panel - 24HP

24HP blank panel


NANO Modules BLANK 12Hp

NANO Modules BLANK 12Hp

Boast & protect your VCV rack

BlankVisualHardware clone

NANO Modules BLANK 8Hp

NANO Modules BLANK 8Hp

Boast & protect your VCV rack

BlankVisualHardware clone

NANO Modules BLANK 6Hp

NANO Modules BLANK 6Hp

Boast & protect your VCV rack

BlankVisualHardware clone

NANO Modules BLANK 4Hp

NANO Modules BLANK 4Hp

Boast & protect your VCV rack

BlankVisualHardware clone

NANO Modules BLANK 2Hp

NANO Modules BLANK 2Hp

Boast & protect your VCV rack

BlankVisualHardware clone

Count Modula Blank Panel - 2HP

Count Modula Blank Panel - 2HP

2HP blanking panel


Mockba Modular Blank

Mockba Modular Blank

Simple blank


computerscare Custom Blank

computerscare Custom Blank

Customizable, resizable, lovable blank panel. Load your own PNG, JPEG, BMP, or GIF.


MSM Blank Panel

MSM Blank Panel

Blank panel utilizing the MSM logo


TGA Blank 1HP

TGA Blank 1HP

1 HP Blanking Plate


TGA Blank 2HP

TGA Blank 2HP

2 HP Blanking Plate


VCV Library Instructions

  • Download and install VCV Rack.
  • Register for a VCV account and log in using Rack’s “Library” menu.
  • Add or purchase a module on the VCV Library.
  • Open the “Library” menu in Rack, click “Update all” (if updates are needed), and restart Rack once downloaded.
  • Right-click an empty rack space to launch Rack’s module browser to add a module to your patch.

All plugins on the VCV Library are available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The “major” version (i.e. MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION) must match between Rack and its plugins. For example, Rack 2.* can only load 2.* plugins.

Missing or incorrect information in this database, such as a missing tag? Inform the plugin author(s) using the contact information on their plugin/module page.

Developers: see Adding your plugin to the VCV Library.


Purchasing plugins with the “VCV” brand supports the VCV Rack project. See VCV’s Mission Statement to learn how VCV Rack development is funded.

Prices are in US Dollars.

By purchasing a plugin on the VCV Library, you agree to VCV’s End User License Agreement and Refund Policy.

Contact VCV Support for customer support and questions about the VCV Library.