artificialcolors MOREc8or

artificialcolors MOREc8or

Expands Merc8or's abilities with creative tools and CV control of output range.


artificialcolors Pick6p

artificialcolors Pick6p

Custom pattern programmer for Pick6 (as a right-side expander).


Ahornberg Tape Inspector

Ahornberg Tape Inspector

visualizes audio on tape


alef's bits slipspander

alef's bits slipspander

expander for slips to enter custom scale


Autinn Zod

Autinn Zod

Dynamic range manipulator with noisegate


Befaco Mex

Befaco Mex

Gate Expander for Befaco Muxlicer

ExpanderHardware clone

Biset Regex Exp

Biset Regex Exp

Regex expander outputing gate

ExpanderClock modulatorControllerDigital

Biset Tree Seed

Biset Tree Seed

Tree sequencer expander to create evolving melodies

ExpanderSequencerVisualRandomPhysical modeling

Bogaudio ASX

Bogaudio ASX

8-step chainable expander for ADDR-SEQ


Bogaudio MIX4X

Bogaudio MIX4X

Expander for MIX4, adds EQs and sends


Bogaudio MIX8X

Bogaudio MIX8X

Expander for MIX8, adds EQs and sends


Bogaudio MX44CVM

Bogaudio MX44CVM

CV and mutes expander for MATRIX44


Bogaudio MX88CV

Bogaudio MX88CV

CV expander for MATRIX88


Bogaudio MX88M

Bogaudio MX88M

Mutes expander for MATRIX88


Bogaudio PEQ14XF

Bogaudio PEQ14XF

PEQ14 envelope followers expander


Bogaudio PEQ6XF

Bogaudio PEQ6XF

PEQ6 envelope followers expander


Bogaudio PGMRX

Bogaudio PGMRX

4-step chainable expander for PGMR


Chinenual MIDIRecorderCC

Chinenual MIDIRecorderCC

CC expander for the MIDI Recorder


Count Modula 16 Step Sequencer Channel Expander

Count Modula 16 Step Sequencer Channel Expander

Adds another channel to the 16 Step Sequencer


Count Modula 16 Step Sequencer Gate Output Expander

Count Modula 16 Step Sequencer Gate Output Expander

Adds individual gate outputs to the 16 Step Sequencer


Count Modula 16 Step Sequencer Trigger Output Expander

Count Modula 16 Step Sequencer Trigger Output Expander

Adds individual trigger outputs to the 16 Step Sequencer


Count Modula 8 Step Sequencer Channel Expander

Count Modula 8 Step Sequencer Channel Expander

Adds another channel to the 8 Step Sequencer


Count Modula 8 Step Sequencer Gate Output Expander

Count Modula 8 Step Sequencer Gate Output Expander

Adds individual gate outputs to the 8 Step Sequencer


Count Modula 8 Step Sequencer Trigger Output Expander

Count Modula 8 Step Sequencer Trigger Output Expander

Adds individual trigger outputs to the 8 Step Sequencer


Count Modula Clocked Random Gate CV Expander

Count Modula Clocked Random Gate CV Expander

Generates CV based on the state of the random gates


Count Modula Clocked Random Gate Logic Expander

Count Modula Clocked Random Gate Logic Expander

Logical processing of the gates from the Clocked Random Gates module


Count Modula Euclidean Sequencer Expander

Count Modula Euclidean Sequencer Expander

CV Expander for the Euclidean Sequencer


Count Modula Fade-in/Fade-out Expander

Count Modula Fade-in/Fade-out Expander

Adds sequencer start/stop and envelope outputs to the fade controller


Count Modula Gated Comparator Expander - Gate Logic

Count Modula Gated Comparator Expander - Gate Logic

Gated Comparator expander adding logical mixing of the shift register outputs


Count Modula Gated Comparator Expander - Random Melody

Count Modula Gated Comparator Expander - Random Melody

Gated Comparator expander adding Random Melody output (also works with other sequencers)


Count Modula Hyper Maniacal LFO Output Expander

Count Modula Hyper Maniacal LFO Output Expander

Individual Outputs for the Hyper Maniacal LFO

Low-frequency oscillatorExpander

Count Modula Octet Trigger Sequencer CV Expander

Count Modula Octet Trigger Sequencer CV Expander

Adds a CV channel to the Octet Trigger Sequencer


Count Modula Octet Trigger Sequencer Gate Expander

Count Modula Octet Trigger Sequencer Gate Expander

Adds individual gate outputs to the Octet Trigger Sequencer


Count Modula Sequencer CV Expander

Count Modula Sequencer CV Expander

8 step sequencer expander adding an extra channel of CV output


Count Modula Sequencer Output Expander

Count Modula Sequencer Output Expander

8 step sequencer expander adding a gate output for each step


Count Modula Sequencer Trigger Expander

Count Modula Sequencer Trigger Expander

8 step sequencer expander adding a an extra channel of gate/trigger output


Count Modula Trigger Sequencer Gate Expander

Count Modula Trigger Sequencer Gate Expander

Adds gate outputs to the 8 and 16 Step Trigger Sequencers


cvly ntrvlx

cvly ntrvlx

ntrvlc expander with output triggers and stacking configuration


cvly txt

cvly txt

Informative expander for all cvly modules


Daniel Davies Sequel Save

Daniel Davies Sequel Save

Save state expander module for Sequel 8 & Sequel 16


docB FormulaOneEdit

docB FormulaOneEdit

Expander for editing scripts


docB HexSeqExp

docB HexSeqExp

Gate, clock and inverted outputs for HexSeq


docB C42E

docB C42E

C42 Expander


docB SE

docB SE

Expander for Sum


docB UnoE

docB UnoE

Expander for Uno


Digital Atavism UT-OX

Digital Atavism UT-OX

Voltage-Controlled Switch Output Expander


Frozen Wasteland BPM LFO Phase Expander

Frozen Wasteland BPM LFO Phase Expander

Add multiple phased outputs to BMPLFO and BPMLFO 2


Frozen Wasteland Portland Weather - Algorithmic Expander

Frozen Wasteland Portland Weather - Algorithmic Expander

Allows Portland Weather to create Euclidean rhythms


Frozen Wasteland Portland Weather - Grid Control Expander

Frozen Wasteland Portland Weather - Grid Control Expander

Allows Portland Weather to be modulated in a grid fashion


VCV Library Instructions

  • Download and install VCV Rack.
  • Register for a VCV account and log in using Rack’s “Library” menu.
  • Add or purchase a module on the VCV Library.
  • Open the “Library” menu in Rack, click “Update all” (if updates are needed), and restart Rack once downloaded.
  • Right-click an empty rack space to launch Rack’s module browser to add a module to your patch.

All plugins on the VCV Library are available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The “major” version (i.e. MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION) must match between Rack and its plugins. For example, Rack 2.* can only load 2.* plugins.

Missing or incorrect information in this database, such as a missing tag? Inform the plugin author(s) using the contact information on their plugin/module page.

Developers: see Adding your plugin to the VCV Library.


Purchasing plugins with the “VCV” brand supports the VCV Rack project. See VCV’s Mission Statement to learn how VCV Rack development is funded.

Prices are in US Dollars.

By purchasing a plugin on the VCV Library, you agree to VCV’s End User License Agreement and Refund Policy.

Contact VCV Support for customer support and questions about the VCV Library.