718 modules found

computerscare Goly Penerator

Polyphonic constant CV signal generation


computerscare I Love Cookies

Text-based CV and signal sequencer


computerscare Laundry Soup

Rhythm sequencer, pulse generator, text-based

SequencerClock modulatorRandomPolyphonic

computerscare Moly Patrix

Polyphonic mix matrix


computerscare Oh Peas!

Quad Quantenuverter. Attenuverter, Offsetter, Microtonal Quantizer


computerscare Roly Pouter

Polyphonic router


computerscare Soly Pequencer

Sequentially step through the channels of a polyphonic signal.


computerscare Stoly Fick Pigure

Draw a stick figure


computerscare Toly Pools v2

Polyphonic toolset including rotator, number-of-channels selector


Count Modula 16 Step Shift Register

16 step bi-directional shift register for CV or gates

Sample and hold

Count Modula 32 Step Shift Register

32 step bi-directional shift register for CV or gates

Sample and hold

Count Modula 4Bit Sequence Encoder

Binary addressed encoder for sequencer expanders


Count Modula Analogue Shift Register

A dual 4, or single 8, step shift register

Sample and hold

Count Modula Attenuator

Dual attenuator with attenuverting option


Count Modula Binary Sequencer

Binary counter based sequencer

Clock generatorSequencer

Count Modula Breakout

Breaks polyphonic signals out to individual normalled output/input pairs


Count Modula Clocked Random Gate CV Expander

Generates CV based on the state of the random gates


Count Modula Clocked Random Gate Logic Expander

Logical processing of the gates from the Clocked Random Gates module


Count Modula Euclidean Sequencer Expander

CV Expander for the Euclidean Sequencer


Count Modula Fade-in/Fade-out and Record Controller

Automated fade in/out with integrated start/stop control for the VCV Record module


Count Modula Fade-in/Fade-out Expander

Adds sequencer start/stop and envelope outputs to the fade controller


Count Modula Gate Modifier

Voltage controlled gate length modifier


Count Modula Mangler

A voltage controlled sample rate/bit depth reducer


Count Modula Manual Gate

A manually triggered gate generator offering a number of simultaneous gate and inverted gate outputs


Count Modula Master Reset Controller

Master reset button and clock wrangler

Clock modulatorControllerUtility

Count Modula Matrix Combiner

Gate combiner/switched multiple


Count Modula Mute

A voltage controlled mute


Count Modula Mute-iple

A dual 4-way/ Single 8 way mutable multiple


Count Modula Octet Trigger Sequencer Gate Expander

Adds individual gate outputs to the Octet Trigger Sequencer


Count Modula Poly Gate Modifier

Polyphonic voltage controlled gate length modifier


Count Modula Polyphonic Mute

Polyphonic Manual/VC Mute


Count Modula Polyphonic VC Polarizer

A polyphonic voltage controlled polarizer


Count Modula Sequencer CV Expander

8 step sequencer expander adding an extra channel of CV output


Count Modula Sequencer Output Expander

8 step sequencer expander adding a gate output for each step


Count Modula Sequencer Trigger Expander

8 step sequencer expander adding a an extra channel of gate/trigger output


Count Modula Shepard Generator

Generates a set of 8 ramp and sawtooth control signals appropriately phased for generation of Shepard tones

Low-frequency oscillatorFunction generatorPolyphonic

Count Modula Slope Detector

Slope Detector


Count Modula Voltage Controlled Polarizer

A dual voltage controlled polarizer


Count Modula Voltage Controlled Switch

Selects between 2 inputs or routes 1 input to one of 2 outputs based on the level of the signal at the CV input


Count Modula Voltage Inverter

A quad voltage inverter that inverts signals around zero


Count Modula Voltage Scaler

Rescale a voltage from one range to another


CuteFox Modules Intervallic Pair Quantizer

Quantizer based on a pair of intervals from 0 to 11 (semitones)


CV funk Preeeeeeeeeeessed Duck

A stereo sixteen-channel dynamic compressing mixer with side-chain ducking, tanh saturation and ADAA.

MixerCompressorDynamicsDistortionPanningVoltage-controlled amplifier

CV funk Pressed Duck

A stereo six-channel dynamic compressing mixer with side-chain ducking, tanh saturation and ADAA.

MixerCompressorDynamicsDistortionPanningVoltage-controlled amplifier

cvly ntrvlc

4x8 sequencer with incorporated quantizer


Daniel Davies Bend

Phase modulation oscillator

OscillatorLow-frequency oscillator

Daniel Davies Quantify

3x Quantizer with attenuverted inputs + nudge and transpose controls


dawn bree notepad

utility for building chords and melodies around major and minor key signatures.


dawn bree prismo

an eight step direct input sequencer for cv or signal with four independent channels.


VCV Library Instructions

  • Download and install VCV Rack.
  • Register for a VCV account and log in using Rack’s “Library” menu.
  • Add or purchase a module on the VCV Library.
  • Open the “Library” menu in Rack, click “Update all” (if updates are needed), and restart Rack once downloaded.
  • Right-click an empty rack space to launch Rack’s module browser to add a module to your patch.

All plugins on the VCV Library are available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The “major” version (i.e. MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION) must match between Rack and its plugins. For example, Rack 2.* can only load 2.* plugins.

Missing or incorrect information in this database, such as a missing tag? Inform the plugin author(s) using the contact information on their plugin/module page.

Developers: see Adding your plugin to the VCV Library.


Purchasing plugins with the “VCV” brand supports the VCV Rack project. See VCV’s Mission Statement to learn how VCV Rack development is funded.

Prices are in US Dollars.

By purchasing a plugin on the VCV Library, you agree to VCV’s End User License Agreement and Refund Policy.

Contact VCV Support for customer support and questions about the VCV Library.