Hutara Hutara PsyOperator

Hutara Hutara PsyOperator

Psychedelic Synthesizer,VCO with FM Synthesis, Resample and Waveshaper


Surge XT FM3 VCO

Surge XT FM3 VCO

The Surge FM3 Oscillator


mscHack Wave morph Oscillator

mscHack Wave morph Oscillator

CV Morph 3 Drawable Waveforms


Sm@rTAZZ Studio Harmoblender

Sm@rTAZZ Studio Harmoblender

VCO that works based on mixing harmonic sine waves


nozoïd Nozori_84_SIN_WS

nozoïd Nozori_84_SIN_WS

Dual oscillator and a Peter De Jong waveshaper

Hardware cloneOscillator

KautenjaDSP Pulses

KautenjaDSP Pulses

An emulation of the Sunsoft FME-7 chip from Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) cartridges.


Voxglitch Byte Beat

Voxglitch Byte Beat

Bytebeat player with built-in presets.


mmmodules 3mountains

mmmodules 3mountains

Triple oscillator


Mojo Modules Pigs

Mojo Modules Pigs

A porky bass sounds generator


Tiny Tricks Triangle+ Oscillator

Tiny Tricks Triangle+ Oscillator

Three triangle based oscillators with detune and sync.


Mockba Modular Proton

Mockba Modular Proton

Proton $20

Virtual analog 3-oscillator polysynth

PolyphonicOscillatorSynth voice

DanT Wavulike

DanT Wavulike

[12hp] VCO based on generated waveform

OscillatorLow-frequency oscillator

Mockba Modular Model X

Mockba Modular Model X

Model X $20

Virtual analog 3-oscillator hybrid polysynth

PolyphonicOscillatorSynth voice

nozoïd Nozori_84_FM_LIN

nozoïd Nozori_84_FM_LIN

4 sinusoidal oscillators linear FM synthesis

Hardware cloneOscillator

Instruō tòna

Instruō tòna

Oscillator (tona)

Hardware cloneOscillator

Tiny Tricks Saw Oscillator

Tiny Tricks Saw Oscillator

A tiny saw based oscillator.


Autinn Square

Autinn Square

Oscillator with a squareish sound




Quantum gravimitator. Imitates a coupled gravity quantum idea. I really shouldn't explain. Just play.

PolyphonicEffectPhysical modelingOscillator

NYSTHI MusicalBox

NYSTHI MusicalBox

Multi sampler with 8 oscillators


Sanguine Mutants Mortuus

Sanguine Mutants Mortuus

All-around gap filler based on the Dead Man's Catch firmware, with some additions, for Mutable Instruments' Peaks.

DelayDrumDualEnvelope generatorHardware cloneLow-frequency oscillatorOscillatorSequencer

Sonus Dept. Addiction

Sonus Dept. Addiction

Additive Oscillator


Path Set AstroVibe

Path Set AstroVibe

Three stereo oscillators or LFOs with random waveforms. Explore a universe of unique waveforms.

OscillatorLow-frequency oscillatorPhysical modeling



Advanced dual oscillator/LFO with a built-in wave folder


Path Set Shuttle

Path Set Shuttle

Path Set: Infinity $15

Travel the universe of harmonic sine waves.


docB OscP

docB OscP

An alias free pulsewave oscillator


docB OscA1

docB OscA1

Additive Oscillator with up to 256 partials and comb filter


Frequency Domain Ball of Confusion

Frequency Domain Ball of Confusion

Spherical Morphing Wavetable Oscillator


docB Osc2

docB Osc2

Double Sinus Oscillator


Surge XT S&H Noise VCO

Surge XT S&H Noise VCO

The Surge S&H Noise Oscillator


Squinky Labs Functional VCO-1

Squinky Labs Functional VCO-1

[deprecated] Multi-function VCO with low aliasing


Daniel Davies Bend

Daniel Davies Bend

Phase modulation oscillator

OscillatorLow-frequency oscillator

Befaco PonyVCO

Befaco PonyVCO

Pony VCO is a compact Thru-Zero (TZFM) oscillator with wavefolder and VCA

Hardware cloneLow-frequency oscillatorOscillatorPolyphonicWaveshaper

Instruō cruïnn

Instruō cruïnn

Analogue Stereo Oscillator

Hardware cloneOscillatorLow-frequency oscillator

Sanguine Mutants Contextus

Sanguine Mutants Contextus

Multipurpose, polyphonic macro oscillator based on the Renaissance alternative firmware for Mutable Instruments' Braids

DigitalHardware cloneNoiseOscillatorPolyphonicSynth voiceWaveshaper

Autodafe CO[S]INE

Autodafe CO[S]INE

Autodafe - REDs $10

A VCO based on Cosine Waves


FLAG Prodigal Son

FLAG Prodigal Son

Band Limited Super-Saw Oscillator with Amplitude Envelope


Mockba Modular CZSaw

Mockba Modular CZSaw

Simple CZ style SAW oscillator


nozoïd Nozori_84_HARMONICS

nozoïd Nozori_84_HARMONICS

Sinusoidal oscillator with 3 harmonics at variable relative frequency

Hardware cloneOscillator

Mockba Modular MaugShark

Mockba Modular MaugShark

Simple Moog style SHARK oscillator


VCV Library Instructions

  • Download and install VCV Rack.
  • Register for a VCV account and log in using Rack’s “Library” menu.
  • Add or purchase a module on the VCV Library.
  • Open the “Library” menu in Rack, click “Update all” (if updates are needed), and restart Rack once downloaded.
  • Right-click an empty rack space to launch Rack’s module browser to add a module to your patch.

All plugins on the VCV Library are available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The “major” version (i.e. MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION) must match between Rack and its plugins. For example, Rack 2.* can only load 2.* plugins.

Missing or incorrect information in this database, such as a missing tag? Inform the plugin author(s) using the contact information on their plugin/module page.

Developers: see Adding your plugin to the VCV Library.


Purchasing plugins with the “VCV” brand supports the VCV Rack project. See VCV’s Mission Statement to learn how VCV Rack development is funded.

Prices are in US Dollars.

By purchasing a plugin on the VCV Library, you agree to VCV’s End User License Agreement and Refund Policy.

Contact VCV Support for customer support and questions about the VCV Library.