62 modules in plugin

Sickozell adder8

Sickozell adder8

8 adder and subtractor


Sickozell bGates

Sickozell bGates

8 Buffered gates and triggers


Sickozell blender

Sickozell blender

Stereo crossfade mixer with double modulation


Sickozell blender8

Sickozell blender8

8 single crossfade mixers


Sickozell bToggler

Sickozell bToggler

Buffered stereo signal toggle switch router, with VCA and ASR envelope generator

LogicEnvelope generatorVoltage-controlled amplifierPolyphonic

Sickozell bToggler Compact

Sickozell bToggler Compact

Buffered stereo signal toggle switch router, with VCA and ASR envelope generator, in a compact form factor

LogicEnvelope generatorVoltage-controlled amplifierPolyphonic

Sickozell bToggler8

Sickozell bToggler8

8 buffered toggle switch signal router


Sickozell bToggler8+

Sickozell bToggler8+

8 buffered toggle switch router, plus warnings to use with led midi controllers


Sickozell calcs

Sickozell calcs

Calculates sums, differences, multiplications, divisions and averages of 3 CV inputs


Sickozell clocker

Sickozell clocker

Clock generator with 4 dividers/multipliers and audio metronome

Clock generatorClock modulator

Sickozell clocker2

Sickozell clocker2

Clock generator with 6 dividers/multipliers

Clock generatorClock modulator

Sickozell cvRouter

Sickozell cvRouter

1>2 voltage controlled switch


Sickozell cvSwitcher

Sickozell cvSwitcher

2>1 voltage controlled switch


Sickozell drummer

Sickozell drummer

Accent and choke utility for drum modules lacking these features


Sickozell drummer4

Sickozell drummer4

4 channel accent and choke utility for drum modules lacking this feature


Sickozell drummer4+

Sickozell drummer4+

4 channel accent and choke utility for drum modules lacking this feature


Sickozell drumPlayer

Sickozell drumPlayer

Drum Sample Player


Sickozell drumPlayer+

Sickozell drumPlayer+

Drum Sample Player


Sickozell drumPlayerXtra

Sickozell drumPlayerXtra

Drum Sample Player


Sickozell enver

Sickozell enver

Envelope generator with stereo VCA

Envelope generatorVoltage-controlled amplifierPolyphonic

Sickozell holder

Sickozell holder

Sample & Hold or Track & Hold with noise generator, probability and range

Sample and holdNoisePolyphonic

Sickozell holder Compact

Sickozell holder Compact

Sample & Hold or Track & Hold with noise generator, probability and range in a compact form factor

Sample and holdNoisePolyphonic

Sickozell holder8

Sickozell holder8

8 Sample & Hold or Track & Hold with noise generator, probability and range

Sample and holdNoiseQuadPolyphonic

Sickozell keySampler

Sickozell keySampler

Keyboard controlled sampler


Sickozell modulator

Sickozell modulator

triangle/ramp LFOs with sync feature

Low-frequency oscillator

Sickozell modulator7

Sickozell modulator7

7 triangle/ramp LFOs with sync feature

Low-frequency oscillatorPolyphonic

Sickozell modulator7 Compact

Sickozell modulator7 Compact

7 unipolar triangle LFOs

Low-frequency oscillator

Sickozell multiSwitcher

Sickozell multiSwitcher

Stereo 8>1 switch


Sickozell multiRouter

Sickozell multiRouter

Stereo 1>8 router


Sickozell parking

Sickozell parking

Set of unconnected inputs and outputs just to park unused cables


Sickozell polyMuter8

Sickozell polyMuter8

Mutes up to 8 single channels of a poly-cable


Sickozell polyMuter8+

Sickozell polyMuter8+

Mutes or Soloes up to 8 single channels of a poly-cable


Sickozell polyMuter16

Sickozell polyMuter16

Mutes single channels of a poly-cable


Sickozell polyMuter16+

Sickozell polyMuter16+

Mutes or Soloes single channels of a poly-cable


Sickozell randLoops

Sickozell randLoops

random voltage/trigger sequencer inspired by Turing Machine


Sickozell randLoops8

Sickozell randLoops8

8 looped random voltage/trigger sequencer inspired by Turing Machine


Sickozell shifter

Sickozell shifter

64 selectable stages shift register

Sample and holdUtility

Sickozell sickoAmp

Sickozell sickoAmp

Stereo VCA up to 200% with limiter

Voltage-controlled amplifierPolyphonic

Sickozell sickoCrosser

Sickozell sickoCrosser

multi stereo input crossfader


Sickozell sickoCrosser4

Sickozell sickoCrosser4

4 multi input crossfader


Sickozell sickoLooper1

Sickozell sickoLooper1

1 track looper with builtin clock generator, click and meter


Sickozell sickoLooperX

Sickozell sickoLooperX

1 track Looper / Expander for sickoLooper1


Sickozell sickoLooper3

Sickozell sickoLooper3

3 track looper with builtin clock generator, click and meter


Sickozell sickoLooper5

Sickozell sickoLooper5

5 track looper with builtin clock generator, click and meter


Sickozell sickoPlayer

Sickozell sickoPlayer

Sample Player


Sickozell sickoQuant

Sickozell sickoQuant

Polyphonic quantizer with scales and presets (sQuant)


Sickozell sickoQuant4

Sickozell sickoQuant4

Four channels polyphonic quantizer with scales and presets (sQuant4)


Sickozell sickoSampler

Sickozell sickoSampler

Sample Player and Recorder


Sickozell sickoSampler2

Sickozell sickoSampler2

Sample Player and Recorder


Sickozell simpleSeq4

Sickozell simpleSeq4

4 step sequencer with direction and range setting (ss4)


Sickozell stepSeq

Sickozell stepSeq

16 step sequencer with direction (ss16)


Sickozell stepSeq+

Sickozell stepSeq+

16 step sequencer with direction and presets (ss16+)


Sickozell switcher

Sickozell switcher

2>1 switch, 1>2 router, 2 signal swapper, mute, flip flop, toggle gate


Sickozell switcherSt

Sickozell switcherSt

Stereo 2>1 switch, 1>2 router, 2 signal swapper, mute, flip flop, toggle gate


Sickozell switcher8

Sickozell switcher8

Eight 2>1 switch, 1>2 router, 2 signal swapper, mute, flip flop, toggle gate


Sickozell toggler

Sickozell toggler

Stereo signal toggle switch router, with VCA and ASR envelope generator

LogicEnvelope generatorVoltage-controlled amplifierPolyphonic

Sickozell toggler Compact

Sickozell toggler Compact

Stereo signal toggle switch router, with VCA and ASR envelope generator, in a compact form factor

LogicEnvelope generatorVoltage-controlled amplifierPolyphonic

Sickozell trigSeq

Sickozell trigSeq

16 step trig sequencer with direction (ts16)


Sickozell trigSeq+

Sickozell trigSeq+

16 step trig sequencer with direction and presets (ts16+)


Sickozell trigSeq8x

Sickozell trigSeq8x

8 track / 16 step trig sequencer with direction and presets (ts8x)


Sickozell wavetabler

Sickozell wavetabler

Wavetable Sample Player


VCV Library Instructions

  • Download and install VCV Rack.
  • Register for a VCV account and log in using Rack’s “Library” menu.
  • Add or purchase a module on the VCV Library.
  • Open the “Library” menu in Rack, click “Update all” (if updates are needed), and restart Rack once downloaded.
  • Right-click an empty rack space to launch Rack’s module browser to add a module to your patch.

All plugins on the VCV Library are available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The “major” version (i.e. MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION) must match between Rack and its plugins. For example, Rack 2.* can only load 2.* plugins.

Missing or incorrect information in this database, such as a missing tag? Inform the plugin author(s) using the contact information on their plugin/module page.

Developers: see Adding your plugin to the VCV Library.


Purchasing plugins with the “VCV” brand supports the VCV Rack project. See VCV’s Mission Statement to learn how VCV Rack development is funded.

Prices are in US Dollars.

By purchasing a plugin on the VCV Library, you agree to VCV’s End User License Agreement and Refund Policy.

Contact VCV Support for customer support and questions about the VCV Library.