trowaSoft OSCcv16 Output Expander

trowaSoft OSCcv16 Output Expander

Expansion module for cvOSCcv. Allows 16 more output CV channels to be received from OSC.


trowaSoft cvOSC32 Input Expander

trowaSoft cvOSC32 Input Expander

Expansion module for cvOSCcv. Allows 32 more input CV channels to be sent to OSC.


trowaSoft cvOSC16 Input Expander

trowaSoft cvOSC16 Input Expander

Expansion module for cvOSCcv. Allows 16 more input CV channels to be sent to OSC.


trowaSoft polyGen

trowaSoft polyGen

Polygon generator/oscillator. Generates output CVs for x and y coordinates of shapes for drawing.


trowaSoft multiWaveMini

trowaSoft multiWaveMini

Digital oscillator module with three (3) oscillators/clocks, each with two (2) configurable wave channel outputs. Same as multiWave but smaller without display.

OscillatorRing modulator

Airwindows Airwindows Suite for Rack

Airwindows Airwindows Suite for Rack

Airwindows is a collection of effects; this module contains all of them


Sickozell sickoPlayer

Sickozell sickoPlayer

Sample Player


Sickozell drumPlayer+

Sickozell drumPlayer+

Drum Sample Player


Sickozell drumPlayer

Sickozell drumPlayer

Drum Sample Player


Sickozell drummer4+

Sickozell drummer4+

4 channel accent and choke utility for drum modules lacking this feature


Surge XT Quad AD

Surge XT Quad AD

Four Attack-Decay or Attack-Hold-Release Envelope Generators

Envelope generatorQuadPolyphonic

Surge XT EG x VCA

Surge XT EG x VCA

The Surge XT Envelope Generator VCA Combo

Voltage-controlled amplifierEnvelope generatorPolyphonic

Surge XT Tuned Delay +

Surge XT Tuned Delay +

An expanded version of the Tuned Delay, perfect for many physical modelling and flanging style patches


Studio Six Plus One Amburgh

Studio Six Plus One Amburgh

Non Linear Filter self oscillating vcf


Erogenous Tones LEVIT8

Erogenous Tones LEVIT8

Utility Module

AttenuatorHardware cloneMixerUtility

Voxglitch Sampler16P

Voxglitch Sampler16P

Sixteen stereo sample playback devices in one compact module.


Voxglitch One Point

Voxglitch One Point

CV sequencer that uses external file as sequence data


NOI Sinensis

NOI Sinensis

Multiband Resonating Filter


NOI Sunflower

NOI Sunflower

Circular mixer


NOI Dicotyledon

NOI Dicotyledon

Logic processor


NOI Wilt

NOI Wilt

Digital Wilt


Questionable Modules SLURP

Questionable Modules SLURP

Oscillator that uses quaternion rotation to oscillate

Synth voiceOscillatorLow-frequency oscillatorPolyphonic

Lunetta Modula 3-Bit Truth Table

Lunetta Modula 3-Bit Truth Table

3-Bit Truth Table


Lunetta Modula 2-Bit Truth Table

Lunetta Modula 2-Bit Truth Table

2-Bit Truth Table


Lunetta Modula CD4539 Dual 4-Input Multiplexer

Lunetta Modula CD4539 Dual 4-Input Multiplexer

Dual 4-Input Multiplexer


Lunetta Modula 8-bit manual binary values

Lunetta Modula 8-bit manual binary values

Manually generates 8-bit binary values


Lunetta Modula CD4516 Presettable Binary Up/Down Counter

Lunetta Modula CD4516 Presettable Binary Up/Down Counter

Presettable Binary Up/Down Counter

LogicClock modulator

Digital Apothecary Rue

Digital Apothecary Rue

A voltage controlled amplifier with CV offset and a variable response curve.

PolyphonicVoltage-controlled amplifier

Digital Apothecary Linden

Digital Apothecary Linden

A module containing some unconventional analog and digital circuits.


Digital Apothecary Sage

Digital Apothecary Sage

An oscillator that adds harmonically related sine waves.


Count Modula 64 Step Sequencer

Count Modula 64 Step Sequencer

64 Step CV/gate sequencer


Count Modula Multi-step Sequencer

Count Modula Multi-step Sequencer

Step sequencer with repeat and probability per step


TyrannosaurusRu LogisticScratch

TyrannosaurusRu LogisticScratch

Scratching chaotic oscillator based on

OscillatorNoisePhysical modeling

VCV Convolver

VCV Convolver

VCV Rack 2 Pro $149

Convolves mono/stereo audio with an impulse response (IR) in real-time


VCV Reverb

VCV Reverb

VCV Rack 2 Pro $149

Stereo morphing reverb processor with a waterfall plot


Hora Juicy VCF free

Hora Juicy VCF free

Virtual OTA VCF


Instruō cruïnn Expander

Instruō cruïnn Expander

Expander for cruïnn

Hardware cloneExpander

Instruō cruïnn

Instruō cruïnn

Analogue Stereo Oscillator

Hardware cloneOscillatorLow-frequency oscillator

Instruō cuïr

Instruō cuïr

Output Module

Hardware cloneUtility

Questionable Modules Treequencer

Questionable Modules Treequencer

Sequences using a binary tree algorithm


Questionable Modules Nandomizer

Questionable Modules Nandomizer

Randomly switches inputs


VCV Library Instructions

  • Download and install VCV Rack.
  • Register for a VCV account and log in using Rack’s “Library” menu.
  • Add or purchase a module on the VCV Library.
  • Open the “Library” menu in Rack, click “Update all” (if updates are needed), and restart Rack once downloaded.
  • Right-click an empty rack space to launch Rack’s module browser to add a module to your patch.

All plugins on the VCV Library are available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The “major” version (i.e. MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION) must match between Rack and its plugins. For example, Rack 2.* can only load 2.* plugins.

Missing or incorrect information in this database, such as a missing tag? Inform the plugin author(s) using the contact information on their plugin/module page.

Developers: see Adding your plugin to the VCV Library.


Purchasing plugins with the “VCV” brand supports the VCV Rack project. See VCV’s Mission Statement to learn how VCV Rack development is funded.

Prices are in US Dollars.

By purchasing a plugin on the VCV Library, you agree to VCV’s End User License Agreement and Refund Policy.

Contact VCV Support for customer support and questions about the VCV Library.