282 modules found

Holonic Systems Dumbwaiter

8 step sequencer and switch. One could see it as a A-155 / A-154 / A-152 merged into one module


stoermelder MAZE

4 channel sequencer running on a 2-dimensional grid


Frozen Wasteland Seeds Of Change - CV Expander

Additional CV Outs for SoC


Path Set IceTray

Speed shifter and tape delay with selective memory. Perform into this and it will never forget your mistakes.


stoermelder MIRROR

Utility for synchronizing module parameters


stoermelder STRIP++

Adds hotkeys for pasting and importing selections while preserving parameter mappings


stoermelder STRIP-BAY

Utility module for STRIP keeping inputs/outputs connected


stoermelder SAIL

Control any parameter currently hovered by mouse with CV, especially useful with MIDI-CC or MIDI-STEP


monome earthsea

grid-enabled shape-memory pattern instrument

SequencerDigitalHardware cloneExternal

AS TinySawish

Simple Voltage-controlled saw oscillator


HetrickCV Phasor Octature

Takes a phasor and rotates it at 45 degree intervals.

WaveshaperLow-frequency oscillatorPolyphonic

HetrickCV Phasor Quadrature

Shapes a phasor into a sine, and outputs both phasors and sines at 90 degree intervals.

WaveshaperLow-frequency oscillatorPolyphonic

unless games SNAKIA

emulative snake game modulator


Sickozell sickoSampler

Sample Player and Recorder


Sickozell sickoSampler2

Sample Player and Recorder


ZetaCarinae OrnsteinUhlenbeck

Ornstein-Uhlenbeck stochastic process


Starling Via META

flexible contour generator

Function generatorDrumHardware clone

Bastl Kompas

Kompas is a three-coordinate probabilistic pattern navigator.

Clock modulatorHardware cloneRandomSequencer

Frozen Wasteland Seeds Of Change

Repeatable Random Number Generator


Frozen Wasteland QAR - Irrational

Add Irrational Rhythms to QAR


Fehler Fabrik Rasoir

Asymmetrical Voltage Processor

EffectWaveshaperSlew limiterDelay

stoermelder µMAP

Add CV automation to one parameter of any module


stoermelder RAW

Digital effect based on the dynamics of bistable systems


HetrickCV Crackle

Vinyl-like noise generator ported from SuperCollider.


HetrickCV ASR

Analog shift register. Multi-stage sample and hold


HetrickCV Scanner

8-channel signal crossfader, mixer, scanner, and router.


ZetaCarinae BrownianBridge

Brownian bridge from one value to another


Free Surface WaterTable

Physical modeling system with a fully analog design

DistortionFilterPanningRing modulatorPhysical modeling

computerscare Roly Pouter

Polyphonic router


LifeFormModular TimeExpansion

Clock extension


Photuri Electronics Cricketter

Cricket Sound Oscillator


Photuri Electronics Fairyfly

Clock divider inspired on the Fireflies flashing behavior and Fairyfly size wings

Clock modulator

MindMeld AuxSpanderJr

4-aux FX bus expander for MixMasterJr


MindMeld AuxSpander

4-aux FX bus expander for MixMaster


LifeFormModular BurstIntegrator

Sequential switch based on ML switches, with trigger generator to add burst of trigs to yout patterns

SwitchClock modulator

Frozen Wasteland Portland Weather

16 tap rhythmic delay with per tap pitch shifting and filtering


Lomas Gate Sequencer

Gate sequencer with 4 patterns and up to 64 steps. Pattern length


Sparkette's Stuff Color Mixer

Provides layers for compositing images, e.g. for RGB Matrix modules.


HetrickCV Phasor Ranger

Converts HetrickCV phasor signals (and any other unipolar signal) to other useful voltage ranges.


HetrickCV Phasor Reset

Duplicates an incoming phasor, but allows you to reset it independently of the input.


HetrickCV Phasor to LFO

Shapes incoming phasor signals to useful, morphing LFO waveshapes. These waveforms are not anti-aliased, hence the LFO designation.

WaveshaperLow-frequency oscillatorPolyphonic

Sparkette's Stuff Microcosm

5x5 Conway's Game of Life where each cell is individually controllable.


Sha#Bang! Modules Neutrinode

Node-based generator with four independent nodes to connected particles


The Strange Agency HexaGrain

Granular HexNut


Frozen Wasteland Quad Algorithmic Rhythm Generator

4 track Euclidean and Golumb Ruler Sequencer


modular80 Nosering

Interpretation of Grant Richter's Noisering design

NoiseRandomSample and hold

HetrickCV Phasor to Gates

An 8-step gate sequencer driven by a phasor.

Clock modulatorSequencerPolyphonic

Stochastic Telegraph Fuse

Counts triggers and blocks/allows a signal after hitting a limit. Useful for timed composition changes, simulating components that break with overuse, or scaling a value based on the number of triggers.

Clock modulatorUtilityVoltage-controlled amplifier

VCV Library Instructions

  • Download and install VCV Rack.
  • Register for a VCV account and log in using Rack’s “Library” menu.
  • Add or purchase a module on the VCV Library.
  • Open the “Library” menu in Rack, click “Update all” (if updates are needed), and restart Rack once downloaded.
  • Right-click an empty rack space to launch Rack’s module browser to add a module to your patch.

All plugins on the VCV Library are available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The “major” version (i.e. MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION) must match between Rack and its plugins. For example, Rack 2.* can only load 2.* plugins.

Missing or incorrect information in this database, such as a missing tag? Inform the plugin author(s) using the contact information on their plugin/module page.

Developers: see Adding your plugin to the VCV Library.


Purchasing plugins with the “VCV” brand supports the VCV Rack project. See VCV’s Mission Statement to learn how VCV Rack development is funded.

Prices are in US Dollars.

VCV is only responsible for VCV-branded plugins and does not completely review all third-party plugins. VCV does not provide technical support for third-party plugins. Installing plugins from unknown sources may compromise your computer and personal information.

By purchasing a plugin on the VCV Library, you agree to the End User License Agreement and Refund Policy.

Contact VCV Support for customer support and questions about the VCV Library.