242 modules found

monome meadowphysics

grid-enabled rhizomatic cascading counter

SequencerClock generatorDigitalHardware cloneExternal

Audible Instruments Resonator

Based on Mutable Instruments Rings

Physical modelingHardware clone

Starling Via SCANNER

multi-channel waveshaper

WaveshaperDistortionHardware clone

RebelTech Tonic

Additive Interval Sequencer

SequencerHardware clonePolyphonic

Befaco ADSR

ADSR envelope generator with gate output on each stage, plus variable shape

Envelope generatorHardware clone

Submarine VM-201

VM-201 Vintage VU-Meter

UtilityVisualHardware clonePolyphonic

RebelTech Stoicheia

Dual Euclidean Sequencer

Clock modulatorDualHardware cloneSequencer

NANO Modules BLANK 12Hp

Boast & protect your VCV rack

BlankVisualHardware clone

ALM Busy Circuits Tangle Quartet

ALM009 Tangle Quartet

MixerHardware clone

Befaco Mex

Gate Expander for Befaco Muxlicer

ExpanderHardware clone

Nonlinear Circuits Statues

1->8 Signal switch using binary inputs. Panel by jk.

LogicHardware clone

nozoïd Nozori_68_LFO_MOD

LFO, with parametric waveform and syncronisation to any signal

Hardware cloneDualFunction generatorLow-frequency oscillatorSample and hold

NANO Modules MAR

Dual Eurorack Mixer

MixerAttenuatorHardware clone

NANO Modules ONA

Analog Multifunction Oscillator

OscillatorLow-frequency oscillatorHardware clone

Dintree V103 Reverb Delay

Stereo Reverb and Delay Digital Effects Processor

DelayDigitalEffectHardware cloneReverb

Nonlinear Circuits GENiE

Three Neurons tangled together in a feedback network of chaos. Panel by jk.

MixerNoiseUtilityRandomHardware clone

Submarine VM-204

VM-204 4-Channel Vintage VU-Meter

UtilityVisualQuadPolyphonicHardware clone

ALM Busy Circuits Stereo Sum

ALM038: Stereo Sum

UtilityHardware clone

Befaco Kickall

Bassdrum module, with pitch and volume envelopes

DrumHardware cloneSynth voice

Alright Devices Zzzorb

Four-pole multimode filter and VCA

FilterVoltage-controlled amplifierHardware clone

Grayscale Binary

Logic gate processor

LogicHardware clone

nozoïd Nozori_84_SIN_FM

4 oscillators FM modulation oscillator

Hardware cloneOscillator

nozoïd Nozori_68_ADSR

Dual loopable ADSR with modulation speed and integrated VCA

Hardware cloneEnvelope generatorDualLow-frequency oscillator

nozoïd Nozori_84_FM

Sinusoidal oscillator with 3 modulations oscillators

Hardware cloneOscillator

nozoïd Nozori_68_DELAY

Audio Delay, with tempo synchronisation

Hardware cloneDualDelayEffect

nozoïd Nozori_84_VCF

Dual filter with parametric control of the frequency response.

Hardware cloneFilter

RebelTech Logoi

Voltage controlled clock divider, counter, and delay

Clock modulatorDelayHardware clone

Instruō cruïnn Expander

Expander for cruïnn

Hardware cloneExpander

Dintree V104 Four Vs

Four Channel Voltage Source

ControllerHardware cloneQuadUtility

Instruō athrú

Wavefolder (athru)

Hardware cloneDistortionEffectWaveshaper

monome white whale

grid-enabled probabilistic step sequencer

SequencerClock generatorDigitalHardware cloneExternal


Massive Sounding Liquid Filter

FilterOscillatorHardware clone

nozoïd Nozori_84_SIN_WS

Dual oscillator and a Peter De Jong waveshaper

Hardware cloneOscillator

Nonlinear Circuits Let's Splosh

Four inputs run into lots of Difference Rectifiers for many output variations. Panel by Papernoise.

MixerNoiseUtilityRandomHardware cloneQuad

ALM Busy Circuits MEGA-TANG


MixerHardware clone

Grayscale Supercell

Expanded version of Clouds by Mutable Instruments

GranularReverbHardware clone

Grayscale Permutation (12hp)

Random sequencer based on the Turing Machine

SequencerRandomHardware clone

monome grid 256

16x16 grid controller

DigitalHardware cloneController

monome grid 128

16x8 grid controller

DigitalHardware cloneController

Kilpatrick Audio Twister

Quad hardware knob controller

Hardware cloneMIDIQuadUtility

Befaco Octaves

A harsh and funky take of an additive Oscillator.

Hardware cloneOscillatorPolyphonic

Befaco Voltio

An accurate voltage source and precision adder.

Hardware clonePolyphonicUtility

VCV Library Instructions

  • Download and install VCV Rack.
  • Register for a VCV account and log in using Rack’s “Library” menu.
  • Add or purchase a module on the VCV Library.
  • Open the “Library” menu in Rack, click “Update all” (if updates are needed), and restart Rack once downloaded.
  • Right-click an empty rack space to launch Rack’s module browser to add a module to your patch.

All plugins on the VCV Library are available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The “major” version (i.e. MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION) must match between Rack and its plugins. For example, Rack 2.* can only load 2.* plugins.

Missing or incorrect information in this database, such as a missing tag? Inform the plugin author(s) using the contact information on their plugin/module page.

Developers: see Adding your plugin to the VCV Library.


Purchasing plugins with the “VCV” brand supports the VCV Rack project. See VCV’s Mission Statement to learn how VCV Rack development is funded.

Prices are in US Dollars.

By purchasing a plugin on the VCV Library, you agree to VCV’s End User License Agreement and Refund Policy.

Contact VCV Support for customer support and questions about the VCV Library.