728 modules found

Erogenous Tones LEVIT8

Utility Module

AttenuatorHardware cloneMixerUtility

Lunetta Modula 8-bit manual binary values

Manually generates 8-bit binary values


Digital Apothecary Linden

A module containing some unconventional analog and digital circuits.


Instruō cuïr

Output Module

Hardware cloneUtility

Questionable Modules Nandomizer

Randomly switches inputs


Questionable Modules Discombobulator

Randomly switches inputs and outputs


stoermelder CLK for MIDI-CAT

Expander for clock-synchronization of MIDI-CAT


EarthTones PolarCV

CV Generator for polar equations

Function generatorLow-frequency oscillatorUtilityVisual

Stochastic Telegraph BASICally

Generate sequences, perform math on inputs, and even multitask with a simple BASIC-like language. Can also send Tipsy text messages to modules that support them (e.g., TTY).

AttenuatorFunction generatorLogicSequencerSample and holdUtility

Sickozell shifter

64 selectable stages shift register

Sample and holdUtility

stoermelder MIDI-KEY

Converts MIDI CC or note messages into keyboard events (preview)


stoermelder STRIP++

Adds hotkeys for pasting and importing selections while preserving parameter mappings


Surge XT ModMatrix

The Surge XT ModMatrix


Sickozell parking

Set of unconnected inputs and outputs just to park unused cables


Sickozell drummer4

4 channel accent and choke utility for drum modules lacking this feature


Sickozell drummer

Accent and choke utility for drum modules lacking these features


docB Preset

Preset Selector/Sequencer


Plurm simplerouter

a rpre/post-processing switch


ALM Busy Circuits Beast's Chalkboard

ALM002 Beast's Chalkboard

UtilityHardware clone

Sparkette's Stuff Color Wheel

Converts a color from HSV format to RGB values.


docB Ratio

Ratio scaling for FM


EnigmaCurry Latch

Latches with discrete triggers and resets


EnigmaCurry Transport

A DAW-like transport for play/stop/record


Sparkette's Stuff Polyphonic Repeater

Converts a monophonic signal to a polyphonic signal where all channels have the same value. Outputs up to four copies of the polyphonic signal, because I had room for extra ports so why not?


Sparkette's Stuff Note Classifier

Classifies the pitch of an incoming note (C, D, etc.) and turns on a different output for each pitch.


Grande Tails4

Quad mono-to-poly sequential note splitter with common outputs—helps preserve envelope tails.

UtilityPolyphonicVoltage-controlled amplifier

Sickozell switcherSt

Stereo 2>1 switch, 1>2 router, 2 signal swapper, mute, flip flop, toggle gate


Sickozell switcher

2>1 switch, 1>2 router, 2 signal swapper, mute, flip flop, toggle gate


RPJ LFMEmbedded

Psycho visualizer, shown in an embedded display. Based on ProjectM, this module uses MilkDrop/Winamp presets.



Psycho visualizer, shown in a separate display. Based on ProjectM, this module uses MilkDrop/Winamp presets.


Coffee Any

A simple AND/OR logic utility with 8 inputs, 1 output.


Coffee Set2

A single large knob with up to 4 presets and smooth interploation over a specified time.

UtilityVoltage-controlled amplifier

alef's bits probably not

mute a signal on trigger, based on probability


Sickozell calcs

Calculates sums, differences, multiplications, divisions and averages of 3 CV inputs


Sickozell bToggler8+

8 buffered toggle switch router, plus warnings to use with led midi controllers


alef's bits logic

perform logical operations on two inputs


alef's bits math

applies various math operations on two inputs, clamped to +/-10V


alef's bits mlt

two 1:5 polyphonic multiples


alef's bits shift

an 8-step shift register with probability params for each step

Sample and holdUtility

alef's bits oct sclr

scales voltage to specified octave range


VCV Compare

Compares two voltages


Ahornberg Copy Paste Preset

copy-paste a preset from the module on the left side to the modules on the right side


Coffee Juice

Select one of 16 sets of 8 fixed voltages, based on a CV input.


Coffee Some3

From a polyphonic input, when triggered, mute a number of the inputs, based on a probability


Coffee Fork2

Compare an input with a threshold and output one of two other inputs.


Coffee Tap

Three push buttons to control tree triggers and gates.


Coffee Some2

On trigger, based on a CV input, between 0-n input is passed to outputs.


VCV Library Instructions

  • Download and install VCV Rack.
  • Register for a VCV account and log in using Rack’s “Library” menu.
  • Add or purchase a module on the VCV Library.
  • Open the “Library” menu in Rack, click “Update all” (if updates are needed), and restart Rack once downloaded.
  • Right-click an empty rack space to launch Rack’s module browser to add a module to your patch.

All plugins on the VCV Library are available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The “major” version (i.e. MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION) must match between Rack and its plugins. For example, Rack 2.* can only load 2.* plugins.

Missing or incorrect information in this database, such as a missing tag? Inform the plugin author(s) using the contact information on their plugin/module page.

Developers: see Adding your plugin to the VCV Library.


Purchasing plugins with the “VCV” brand supports the VCV Rack project. See VCV’s Mission Statement to learn how VCV Rack development is funded.

Prices are in US Dollars.

By purchasing a plugin on the VCV Library, you agree to VCV’s End User License Agreement and Refund Policy.

Contact VCV Support for customer support and questions about the VCV Library.