Moffenzeef Muskrat

Moffenzeef Muskrat

Lofi wavetable drum with additional algorithms

DrumNoiseHardware clone

Moffenzeef Mongrel

Moffenzeef Mongrel

Ring mod drum

DrumNoiseHardware clone

Moffenzeef Moffenmix

Moffenzeef Moffenmix

Quad distortion mixer

MixerDistortionHardware clone

Moffenzeef MITO

Moffenzeef MITO

6 channel clock divider sequencer with swing and pulsewidth control

Clock modulatorSequencerHardware clone

Moffenzeef Kriket

Moffenzeef Kriket

Quad blip and beep generator

DrumNoiseOscillatorHardware clone

Moffenzeef GMO

Moffenzeef GMO

Lofi ROMPLER with only one bank of metal clangs

DrumNoiseOscillatorHardware clone

Moffenzeef Dial Up

Moffenzeef Dial Up

Dial up modem drum module

DrumNoiseHardware clone

Moffenzeef Deviant

Moffenzeef Deviant

Dual max/min stepped random with slew

RandomUtilityHardware clone

Moffenzeef Count

Moffenzeef Count

Master clock with divided outputs

Clock generatorClock modulatorUtilityHardware clone

Moffenzeef Bus Mult

Moffenzeef Bus Mult

1x3 and 1x2 mult

MultipleUtilityHardware clone

Moffenzeef Bobcat

Moffenzeef Bobcat

Dual noise drum

DrumNoiseHardware clone

Moffenzeef Bad Idea #9

Moffenzeef Bad Idea #9

Power starved glitch oscillator

OscillatorNoiseDrumHardware clone

Befaco MuDi

Befaco MuDi

Clock Multiple, Conditioner, and Divider in a compact 2HP format

Clock generatorClock modulatorHardware clonePolyphonic

Befaco Slew

Befaco Slew

Voltage-controlled lag processor and slope detector

Slew limiterEnvelope followerHardware clonePolyphonic

Befaco AxBC

Befaco AxBC

Voltage-Controlled Voltage Processor

Ring modulatorAttenuatorDualHardware clonePolyphonic

Befaco Atte

Befaco Atte

Quad Attenuator/Inverter, Splitter, and Offset Generator

AttenuatorHardware clonePolyphonic

Befaco Mixer

Befaco Mixer

Utilitarian audio and CV mixer

Hardware cloneMixerPolyphonic

ALM Busy Circuits MT-EX2

ALM Busy Circuits MT-EX2

MT-EX2 Expander for ALM033 MEGA-TANG

MixerHardware cloneExpander

ALM Busy Circuits MT-EX1

ALM Busy Circuits MT-EX1

MT-EX1 Expander for ALM033 MEGA-TANG

MixerHardware cloneExpander

Bastl Pizza

Bastl Pizza

Pizza is a compact digital oscillator with powerful wave shaping applied to FM synthesis.

Hardware cloneOscillator

Befaco Oneiroi

Befaco Oneiroi

Befaco Oneiroi $35

Experimental synth voice focused on ambient pads and drone-like soundscapes.

DelayEffectFilterHardware cloneOscillatorReverbSampler

Befaco Bandit

Befaco Bandit

Bandit is a spectral processing playground.

EqualizerFilterHardware cloneMixerPolyphonicUtility

Befaco Bypass

Befaco Bypass

A Stereo bypass module to gate control the send of your signals to your favorite effect!

Hardware cloneMixerPolyphonicUtility

Bastl Crust

Bastl Crust

Bastl Crust is a hard-hitting drum voice that goes way beyond drum territory.

DrumHardware cloneOscillatorNoise

VCV Library Instructions

  • Download and install VCV Rack.
  • Register for a VCV account and log in using Rack’s “Library” menu.
  • Add or purchase a module on the VCV Library.
  • Open the “Library” menu in Rack, click “Update all” (if updates are needed), and restart Rack once downloaded.
  • Right-click an empty rack space to launch Rack’s module browser to add a module to your patch.

All plugins on the VCV Library are available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The “major” version (i.e. MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION) must match between Rack and its plugins. For example, Rack 2.* can only load 2.* plugins.

Missing or incorrect information in this database, such as a missing tag? Inform the plugin author(s) using the contact information on their plugin/module page.

Developers: see Adding your plugin to the VCV Library.


Purchasing plugins with the “VCV” brand supports the VCV Rack project. See VCV’s Mission Statement to learn how VCV Rack development is funded.

Prices are in US Dollars.

By purchasing a plugin on the VCV Library, you agree to VCV’s End User License Agreement and Refund Policy.

Contact VCV Support for customer support and questions about the VCV Library.