Ouroboros Industries ST-VCA

Ouroboros Industries ST-VCA

A stereo version of the Fundamental VCA

Voltage-controlled amplifierPolyphonic

Dark Process Industries BOUND

Dark Process Industries BOUND

BOUND is a four-channel stereo mixer and VCA.

MixerVoltage-controlled amplifier

Venom Wave Folder

Venom Wave Folder

A polyphonic configurable wave folder

PolyphonicRing modulatorVoltage-controlled amplifierWaveshaper

Venom Quad VC Polarizer

Venom Quad VC Polarizer

Compact polyphonic bipolar VCA and mixer inspired by Mutable Instruments Blinds

AttenuatorMixerPolyphonicRing modulatorUtilityVoltage-controlled amplifier

CV funk Preeeeeeeeeeessed Duck

CV funk Preeeeeeeeeeessed Duck

A stereo sixteen-channel dynamic compressing mixer with side-chain ducking, tanh saturation and ADAA.

MixerCompressorDynamicsDistortionPanningVoltage-controlled amplifier

4ms EnvVCA

4ms EnvVCA

A compact envelope generator with a built-in exponential VCA.

Envelope generatorVoltage-controlled amplifierLow-frequency oscillatorHardware cloneSlew limiter

Sanguine Mutants Velamina

Sanguine Mutants Velamina

Tetrad of voltage controller amplifiers based on the revised Veils from Mutable Instruments

MixerPolyphonicQuadVoltage-controlled amplifier

DanT Charlie Foxtrot

DanT Charlie Foxtrot

[28hp] An 8-channel polyphonic VCA + slew + envelope + clock counter & pass-through mess of a module!

Clock modulatorEnvelope generatorPolyphonicSequencerSlew limiterUtilityVoltage-controlled amplifier

Sickozell enver

Sickozell enver

Envelope generator with stereo VCA

Envelope generatorVoltage-controlled amplifierPolyphonic

CV funk Pressed Duck

CV funk Pressed Duck

A stereo six-channel dynamic compressing mixer with side-chain ducking, tanh saturation and ADAA.

MixerCompressorDynamicsDistortionPanningVoltage-controlled amplifier

Sickozell sickoAmp

Sickozell sickoAmp

Stereo VCA up to 200% with limiter

Voltage-controlled amplifierPolyphonic

Venom Shaped VCA

Venom Shaped VCA

Stereo VCA with a variable response curve, hard/soft clipping, ring modulation, and oversampling

AttenuatorPolyphonicRing modulatorUtilityVoltage-controlled amplifierWaveshaper

Venom Reformation

Venom Reformation

Transform CV or audio by mapping way point voltages to new values

DistortionEffectPolyphonicUtilityVoltage-controlled amplifierWaveshaper

Venom VCA Mix 4 Stereo

Venom VCA Mix 4 Stereo

Stereo compact audio or CV VCA, mixer, attenuator, inverter, amplifier, and/or offset

AttenuatorMixerPolyphonicRing modulatorUtilityVoltage-controlled amplifier

Venom VCA Mix 4

Venom VCA Mix 4

Compact audio or CV VCA, mixer, attenuator, inverter, amplifier, and/or offset

AttenuatorMixerPolyphonicRing modulatorUtilityVoltage-controlled amplifier

Studio Six Plus One Farini

Studio Six Plus One Farini

Multimode envelope generator and stereo vca, based on CEM3310 AND CEM3360 diy circuits.

Envelope generatorVoltage-controlled amplifier

QuantalAudio Daisy Mix Channel STEREO | 2HP

QuantalAudio Daisy Mix Channel STEREO | 2HP

Modular mixer channel - proximity daisy chainable

MixerVoltage-controlled amplifierPolyphonicExpander

Surge XT EG x VCA

Surge XT EG x VCA

The Surge XT Envelope Generator VCA Combo

Voltage-controlled amplifierEnvelope generatorPolyphonic

Digital Apothecary Rue

Digital Apothecary Rue

A voltage controlled amplifier with CV offset and a variable response curve.

PolyphonicVoltage-controlled amplifier

Grande Tails4

Grande Tails4

Quad mono-to-poly sequential note splitter with common outputs—helps preserve envelope tails.

UtilityPolyphonicVoltage-controlled amplifier

Coffee Set2

Coffee Set2

A single large knob with up to 4 presets and smooth interploation over a specified time.

UtilityVoltage-controlled amplifier

Sickozell bToggler Compact

Sickozell bToggler Compact

Buffered stereo signal toggle switch router, with VCA and ASR envelope generator, in a compact form factor

LogicEnvelope generatorVoltage-controlled amplifierPolyphonic

Sickozell bToggler

Sickozell bToggler

Buffered stereo signal toggle switch router, with VCA and ASR envelope generator

LogicEnvelope generatorVoltage-controlled amplifierPolyphonic

Sickozell toggler Compact

Sickozell toggler Compact

Stereo signal toggle switch router, with VCA and ASR envelope generator, in a compact form factor

LogicEnvelope generatorVoltage-controlled amplifierPolyphonic

Sickozell toggler

Sickozell toggler

Stereo signal toggle switch router, with VCA and ASR envelope generator

LogicEnvelope generatorVoltage-controlled amplifierPolyphonic

Grande VCA4

Grande VCA4

Quad voltage-controlled amplifier.

Voltage-controlled amplifierPolyphonic

Stochastic Telegraph Fuse

Stochastic Telegraph Fuse

Counts triggers and blocks/allows a signal after hitting a limit. Useful for timed composition changes, simulating components that break with overuse, or scaling a value based on the number of triggers.

Clock modulatorUtilityVoltage-controlled amplifier

moDllz Kn8b

moDllz Kn8b

Polyphonic Attenuator / Inverter / VCA

UtilityPolyphonicAttenuatorVoltage-controlled amplifier

AlliewayAudio Koan

AlliewayAudio Koan

AlliewayAudio Series I $10

Transforms audio or CVs from subtle warming to annihilation. Telecommunications signal compander (Variable MU-law Encoder/Decoder) with built-in noise, analog clipping, mixer, and thru-zero VCA. Try plugging your favorite filter or effect between encoder and decoder!

CompressorDistortionDigitalEffectLimiterMixerNoiseRing modulatorUtilityVoltage-controlled amplifierWaveshaper

Grande VCA3

Grande VCA3

Triple voltage-controlled amplifier.

Voltage-controlled amplifierPolyphonic

AlliewayAudio Chilly Cheese

AlliewayAudio Chilly Cheese

1:1 digital recreation of Mannequins 'Cold Mac' esoteric macro-utility (made with permission, but not by Mannequins)

AttenuatorCompressorEnvelope followerLogicRing modulatorSlew limiterUtilityVoltage-controlled amplifierWaveshaper



Simple AR envelope with VCA. Nice. Gained modulation out.

Envelope generatorVoltage-controlled amplifierPolyphonic



Exponential VCA and future estimator with error? A very simple utility.

UtilityAttenuatorVoltage-controlled amplifierDynamicsPolyphonic

VCV Library Instructions

  • Download and install VCV Rack.
  • Register for a VCV account and log in using Rack’s “Library” menu.
  • Add or purchase a module on the VCV Library.
  • Open the “Library” menu in Rack, click “Update all” (if updates are needed), and restart Rack once downloaded.
  • Right-click an empty rack space to launch Rack’s module browser to add a module to your patch.

All plugins on the VCV Library are available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The “major” version (i.e. MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION) must match between Rack and its plugins. For example, Rack 2.* can only load 2.* plugins.

Missing or incorrect information in this database, such as a missing tag? Inform the plugin author(s) using the contact information on their plugin/module page.

Developers: see Adding your plugin to the VCV Library.


Purchasing plugins with the “VCV” brand supports the VCV Rack project. See VCV’s Mission Statement to learn how VCV Rack development is funded.

Prices are in US Dollars.

By purchasing a plugin on the VCV Library, you agree to VCV’s End User License Agreement and Refund Policy.

Contact VCV Support for customer support and questions about the VCV Library.