Sanguine Mutants Explorator

Sanguine Mutants Explorator

Polyphonic multiple, mixer, noise source, sample and hold, inverter, rectifier and logic unit, based on Mutable Instruments' Links and Kinks

Hardware cloneLogicMixerMultipleNoisePolyphonicSample and holdUtilityWaveshaper

Sanguine Modules Dungeon

Sanguine Modules Dungeon

A sample and hold, track and hold, hold and track and white noise source.

NoiseSample and holdRandom

Impromptu NoteLoop

Impromptu NoteLoop

CV/Gate-based looper

Sample and holdPolyphonic

Impromptu NoteFilter

Impromptu NoteFilter

Eliminates polyphony of identical overlapping notes

Sample and holdPolyphonic

Hutara Hutara Random

Hutara Hutara Random

Sample&Hold and Random Gate

RandomSample and hold

WavsynModular Strange

WavsynModular Strange

Chaotic dual-channel CV and Sample & Hold generator

Sample and hold

Sparkette's Stuff RAM-40964

Sparkette's Stuff RAM-40964

64×64×4 planar random access memory, designed with RGB Matrix in mind. DMA compatible.

DigitalSample and holdSequencerPolyphonicVisual

CV funk Steps

CV funk Steps

Fusion of a comparator and a step generator

Function generatorSample and holdUtility

Venom Poly Sample & Hold Analog Shift Register

Venom Poly Sample & Hold Analog Shift Register

Ten channel polyphonic sample and hold combined with a shift register

PolyphonicRandomSample and hold

Impromptu NoteEcho

Impromptu NoteEcho

CV/Gate-based delay

Sample and holdDelayPolyphonic

Sickozell holder8

Sickozell holder8

8 Sample & Hold or Track & Hold with noise generator, probability and range

Sample and holdNoiseQuadPolyphonic

Sickozell holder Compact

Sickozell holder Compact

Sample & Hold or Track & Hold with noise generator, probability and range in a compact form factor

Sample and holdNoisePolyphonic

Sickozell holder

Sickozell holder

Sample & Hold or Track & Hold with noise generator, probability and range

Sample and holdNoisePolyphonic

Venom Linear Beats

Venom Linear Beats

Convert multiple trigger/gate channels into a linear drumming pattern

LogicPolyphonicSample and hold

VCV Sample & Hold Analog Shift Register

VCV Sample & Hold Analog Shift Register

8 channel sample & hold combined with a shift register

Sample and hold

Count Modula 32 Step Shift Register

Count Modula 32 Step Shift Register

32 step bi-directional shift register for CV or gates

Sample and hold

Count Modula 16 Step Shift Register

Count Modula 16 Step Shift Register

16 step bi-directional shift register for CV or gates

Sample and hold

Studio Six Plus One Bose

Studio Six Plus One Bose

Multi output random voltage generator, sample and hold with no input, steady or analog style drooping outputs

PolyphonicSample and holdNoiseRandom

Count Modula CV Stack

Count Modula CV Stack

Sequential voltage storage stack with First In First Out or Last In First Out operation

SequencerSample and hold

Stochastic Telegraph BASICally

Stochastic Telegraph BASICally

Generate sequences, perform math on inputs, and even multitask with a simple BASIC-like language. Can also send Tipsy text messages to modules that support them (e.g., TTY).

AttenuatorFunction generatorLogicSequencerSample and holdUtility

Sickozell shifter

Sickozell shifter

64 selectable stages shift register

Sample and holdUtility

Blush Audio Track and Field

Blush Audio Track and Field

A S&H / T&H module

Sample and holdRandom

alef's bits shift

alef's bits shift

an 8-step shift register with probability params for each step

Sample and holdUtility

RPJ GenieExpander

RPJ GenieExpander

Display for Genie Chaos generator

Sample and hold

RPJ Genie

RPJ Genie

Chaos generator

Sample and hold

ÄSK rnsh

ÄSK rnsh

8 channel noise generator with sample and hold, with a global spread attenuator

RandomNoiseSample and holdSample and holdSample and hold

Coffee Fork

Coffee Fork

Provide two inputs and a probability/chance, will output one, when triggered.

UtilityLogicRandomSample and hold

Coffee Travel

Coffee Travel

On trigger, take two samples and interpolate an output

UtilitySlew limiterSample and hold

Coffee Between

Coffee Between

On trigger, out puts a random CV value between two values.

UtilityRandomSample and hold

alef's bits simplex & hold

alef's bits simplex & hold

sample & hold module using internal simplex noise source

Sample and holdPolyphonicRandom

Stochastic Telegraph Drifter

Stochastic Telegraph Drifter

Varying linear function generator. Makes sequences that change in small (or large) ways. A line defined by X/Y points, each doing a random walk.

RandomSample and holdSequencer

Impromptu Variations

Impromptu Variations

Sample and hold a CV with addition of a random noise value

Sample and holdRandomNoisePolyphonic

cvly brst

cvly brst

Burst generator with up to 8 outputs

PolyphonicSample and holdSequencerSwitch

Path Set Shifty

Path Set Shifty

Gate shift register with controllable delays. Create generative gate sequences from a single clock.

Clock generatorClock modulatorSample and hold

GoodSheperd Seqtrol

GoodSheperd Seqtrol

Clock modulatorSample and holdSwitchUtility

unless games pianoid

unless games pianoid

a compact piano for monitoring polyphonic v/oct signals from midi or other sources. includes sustain mode and manual note/chord inputting.

VisualPolyphonicControllerSample and hold

Sckitam FIFOQueue

Sckitam FIFOQueue

First-in First-out Queue

Sample and holdSequencer

XTRTN Mesoglea2

XTRTN Mesoglea2

Easy flippable gates/mutes with sample-and-hold.

Sample and holdUtilityController

Befaco Sampling Modulator

Befaco Sampling Modulator

Multi-function module that lies somewhere between a VCO, a Sample & Hold, and an 8 step trigger sequencer

Clock generatorHardware cloneOscillatorSample and hold

XTRTN Mesohyl

XTRTN Mesohyl

Easy knobs with built-in S&H powers.

Sample and holdUtilityController

XTRTN Mesoglea

XTRTN Mesoglea

Flippable polyphonic gates and/or mutes with sample-and-hold options.

Sample and holdUtilityPolyphonic

Count Modula Super Sample & Hold

Count Modula Super Sample & Hold

Sample and Hold/Track and hold with probability, offset and inbuilt noise source

Sample and holdPolyphonic



Sample and hold quantizer. Simple.

QuantizerPolyphonicSample and holdNoise

cvly bss

cvly bss

Generates a bass note for the incoming poly input, using one of three modes

PolyphonicQuantizerSample and holdUtility

VCV Library Instructions

  • Download and install VCV Rack.
  • Register for a VCV account and log in using Rack’s “Library” menu.
  • Add or purchase a module on the VCV Library.
  • Open the “Library” menu in Rack, click “Update all” (if updates are needed), and restart Rack once downloaded.
  • Right-click an empty rack space to launch Rack’s module browser to add a module to your patch.

All plugins on the VCV Library are available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The “major” version (i.e. MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION) must match between Rack and its plugins. For example, Rack 2.* can only load 2.* plugins.

Missing or incorrect information in this database, such as a missing tag? Inform the plugin author(s) using the contact information on their plugin/module page.

Developers: see Adding your plugin to the VCV Library.


Purchasing plugins with the “VCV” brand supports the VCV Rack project. See VCV’s Mission Statement to learn how VCV Rack development is funded.

Prices are in US Dollars.

By purchasing a plugin on the VCV Library, you agree to VCV’s End User License Agreement and Refund Policy.

Contact VCV Support for customer support and questions about the VCV Library.